Condylactis gigantea

Yuri Barros

Dear Srs.

I need your help to find the actual laws about collecting and exporting of the Anemone Condylactis gigantea...............

I live in Brazil...............and here we have a prohibitive the Anemone Condylactis gigantea is a threatened species.............and the collection is not permited..............

But I would like to know..............about the collection of this species in Caribean Waters..............

Is the collection still permited...............???

Do you have some oficial links that I could study.................???

Also exporting cotes..................if its permitted............

In short..............I would like to know if is legal to Brazil import these animals.............

I worried if Brazilian People are using these import poach C. gigantea in Brazilian Waters..............and sell it here as an imported animal.................

Here is the Brazilian law :

"Art. 3o As espécies consideradas ameaçadas de extinção
constantes do Anexo I a esta Instrução Normativa estão proibidas de
serem capturadas, nos termos da legislação em vigor, exceto para fins
científicos, mediante autorização especial do Instituto Brasileiro do
Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renováveis-IBAMA."

Nome Científico, Autor e Data Nome Popular Unidade da Federação

Condylactis gigantea (Weiland, 1860) Anêmona-do-mar RJ, SP

Below is an abstract...........that contains importante data about localized extinction of Condylactis Brazil.........

Marine Ornamental Trade in Brazil
J. L. Gasparini,
S. R. Floeter,
C. E. L. Ferreira,
I. Sazima


Brazil is one of the five leading exporting countries of tropical aquarium fishes in the world, and the interest in marine ornamental organisms has increased substantially there from the mid to the late 1990s. About 120 reef fish species are currently harvested in Brazil's ornamental trade. Among the 75 most harvested species, 26 (34.7%) are endemic, eight (10.7%) are rare, and six (8.2%) are estuarine-dependent species. Fifty-five species (75.3%) have complex reproductive strategies and/or parental care. In quantitative terms, the top 10 species comprises 62% of the species exported from Brazil to the USA and the European Community. The most harvested reef invertebrates include about 65 species. The most representative groups are crustaceans with 15 species (23%), and molluscs and stony corals with 10 species (15.4%) each. Among these, 15 (23%) are endemics, nine (13.8%) are rare species, and seven (10.8%) are important reef builders. A case of local extinction of the giant anemone Condylactis gigantea is reported. To alleviate ecological impacts a series of urgent measures is suggested, including the creation of specific laws for marine ornamental harvesting and improving law enforcement to prevent illegal trade in Brazil.

So.............I would like to know the laws about this species in Caribean and US...............

Preciselly if the law permits exporting from Caribe to Brazil............or from US to Brazil..............

I tried to raise this infos..............but without sucess............

I hope someone help me..............thanks.........
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