Congrats Sanjay

Sanjay has a great tank, only two things I might consider to make it even better. Scrape the back wall clean to give an illusion of more 'depth'. Clean up the sandbed of corals for less cluttered look. I sound dumb giving advice to a TOTM....LOL, but I think it would take the tank up to the next level. Just my .02 for what it's worth.
Sanjay has a great tank, only two things I might consider to make it even better. Scrape the back wall clean to give an illusion of more 'depth'. Clean up the sandbed of corals for less cluttered look. I sound dumb giving advice to a TOTM....LOL, but I think it would take the tank up to the next level. Just my .02 for what it's worth.

I have to agree with your comments. Keeping the back scrapped clean is not easy given that I have my external overflow box on the back wall, plus its a lot more work. Also, yes that clutter on the bottom should be reduced.. but being the coraloholic that I am, its hard to pass up on the good stuff, and to find places for them on the rocks.

