Connecting to LAN card via crossover cable


Premium Member

I have both the PLM-LAN card as well as Profiux View II. In order to use the View II, I need to connect my PC via LAN so that I have the serial port available.

I got a crossover cable and tried connecting via TCP/IP, and so far no luck. I have tried using a manually assigned IP, auto IP, etc, and it always says it is Unable to connect, would you like to check the configuration?

Is it supported to use a crossover cable to plug the profilux directly into a PC, without using any router? Are there any configuration options I am missing?

lan is COM2 on my profilux. I have tried with "Router function" on and off, same result.

Am I doing something wrong?
ok this is fairly easy to do....

- disconect the view and connect the serial port for a min so you can assign a static IP to the nic modual

- connect to the unit using rs323

- go into System > LAN > Configuration

- set IP to Static IP-address to

- hit the save

- disconnect the rs232, vonnect the view

- connect the crossover

- open up you nework config on your computer

- set a manual ip to you pc to, mask of and a gateway of

- save nework config

- now create a new connection type

- set type to TCPIP

- remove the search automaticlly and set to

- save and voila! you should have a working connection :c)
thanks boboxx,

I tried everything you suggested and it is still unable to connect....

wonder if anything else could be wrong. I am using version 4.02....
hmm really, I dont have a cross over here that I can try but it should work... can you ping the profilux from your pc?
I just pinged it and it timed out every time....

then I went through the same steps again, and now it says destination host unreachable....

Should I be able to configure this without the RS232? If I goto Extra-> Communications, it lets me specify the IP. It also asks for baud rate, is that important?

Also, are the DNS settings for the TCP/IP supposed to be blank? it doesn't let them be auto if I am specifying the IP...

ok its been at 9600......

my network connections manager reports that my network connection is unplugged. is there any settings necessary for DNS when using crossover? how do I verify that the gateway is correct? Right now my PC is
yup got that as well. also tried using and .10 for the profilux but I dont think the IP is the issue.

when I access the communication option on the profilux itself, it asks "router function: yes - no?"

But this option doesn't seem to be in profiluxcontrol. Does it matter? I've tried both ways and it's a nogo.
Are you sure that you're cable is cross-over?
I special ordered it from the website and it has the letters "X / O" on both ends.

it doesn't matter which ends goes to the profilux and which goes to the PC does it?
Then you are doing something wrong, it's just a matter of finding what?
What os are you using? Windows Vista, or something else?
ok well I turned my profilux to the side a bit so I could see the back. I noticed the LAN card was blinking a red light in the back, so I grabbed the cord and tugged it around for a bit. it was definitely plugged in all the way, but after wiggling it around some, the green light came on and my PC connected.

I connected on profiluxcontrol, but then it went back down shortly after and I had to fiddle with it some more.

so good news is config issues are solved :)

could I have a crappy cable on hand? or could my Lan card be seated poorly inside the profilux?

thanks for the help thus far!