I have been having nitrates that are a little higher than I would like after winning a battle with dinoflagellates via the dirty method. Nitrates are consistently hovering around 5-10ppm and according to my API kit, phosphates are somewhere between 0-.25ppm. I have a really hard time reading the color chart. My tank has quite a few pieces of sps including a red planet and an Oregon tort that I am desperately wanting to not only live, but thrive. I have noticed that the other sps pieces that are in the tank that have been there for a bit are coloring nicely and aren't showing any signs of stress. I have a fuge with some cheato and grape caluerpa that aren't growing much, I do also have some patches of GHA that aren't growing or receding. I am seeking some advise for possibly carbon dosing that will maintain NO3 and PO4 to optimum levels for both growth and color. I am also needing some solid recommendations for a PO4 test kit. I am leaning towards a Hanna low range phosphorus checker, but I'm still unsure.
Other Params:
Alk 8
Cal 500
Mag 1400
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Other Params:
Alk 8
Cal 500
Mag 1400
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0