considering T5


In Memoriam
can some tell me if will be good o whats bad about them for my new setup i have now 3x400w 20k for my new big tank any idea about T5
They're slightly more energy efficient. No glitter lines. It really ends up boiling down to personal preference. There is a thread in the first few pages of the SPS forum about T5 only lit tanks. You should take all observations with a grain of salt though, as people from the MH and T5 camps will argue all day and night about why their system is better. And there is no correct answer. It all boils down to what you like more.
I have the sunlight supply Tek 4 bulb fixture and it works great!

It uses less electricity while still producing 300% more light with individual reflectors. The bulbs are cheap and last almost 2 years. They don't put off near as much heat as metal halides and the cost of fixtures or retrofits are less then metal halide. You can also get the exact color combination you want because of the multiple bulb colors.

I have never had metal halides so I can't vouch for them but I have done alot of research before my final decision to go with t5's. You will get mixed reviews but I will stand by t5's. Watt for watt metal halides produce more in a given space. If you put into account that with t5's w/ individual reflectors put out 300% more light per bulb...

My current set-up has been up and running for 4 months and I have seen over an inch of growth in most of my sps.

It's newer technology that has proven itself time and time again. Try it out and I think you won't be disappointed.


Loco that tank is too deep for T5's!
Anyways many pros and cons but when the dust settles MH's are the only way to go.
Well the jury still out-yesterday I saw a tank(400) total volume about 1k with the solrais system plus supps and they really look very bright.
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When buying the lights for my new tank I considered the T5's but I figured I would need 8 of the 24'' bulbs to cover my tank correctly it just seemed to be a bit pricey compared to getting a single MH fixture.

When I went back and looked at it later it occurred to me that I might have been able to use just 4 T5 bulbs

My only reason to consider the t5's was the energy efficiency I have read so much about.
I use T5s on my 24" deep 90G tank. I'm very pleased with my decision and my corals (mostly frags at the moment) seems to do be doing very well.

My only regret is going with the 8 bulb TEK unit, the 6 bulb unit would have been plenty of light.

I have montis, acros, digis, softies, LPS and everything is thriving. I even have some acro frags on the lower half of the tank and they seem to be doing slightly better than those on the upper half.

My temperature stays around 77-79 degrees without a chiller.

You also have plenty of color options, with all the different bulb available.

Here are a couple of pics. First one was when I was starting out and got the unit, 2nd one was recent.


Tigre, upgrading from VHOs I picked T5s after a year ended up with MH wish had done it from the beginning, if you go T5s DYI you can have my end caps.
Go t5s but make sure you get with individual reflectors. I have a 6 Bulb Tek and think it is too bright. I have all corals in my tank, sps, lps and softies
i ran T5's on my 150g, and am now running T5's again on my 350g 30" DEEP tank ... have 2 tear drops on the sand bed, lots of acros & other SPS. Growth is very good, and so is coloration.
I couldn't be happier.
wow t5 looks like it will be how many i need for a tank 90L/36W/30H

lisafl do you have full shots of your tank

gasman tocayo i was looking at the solaris but is like 4k for a 72L

where is a link to with some t5 for sale and how about if i go with like 3X30" solaris is there such ting
no, my camera battery charger is MIA .... haven't taken recent pics ...
i bought mine @ ... they have a good selection & pretty good prices as well.
Look I dont know much about this hobby and I guess the number of my posts show it. God gave us 2 ears and one mouth so we could listen twice as much as we say.

I read a lot online and in magazines and decided to do a switch from MH to T5 for my new aquarium. My tank is no example of T5 because I travel alot. Like ReefWreak said above I also dont believe there is a correct answer, many ways to same goal.

If you do go with T5 go individual reflectors, mucho increase in light. Also check on getting Fiji purple bulb(s), pics show popping corals with it.

Also I dont know about Solaris, too new but things look good under it. At least with T5 you will only make a $1000 mistake.

My 20 korean wons worth.
how many ligths will i have to use for the t5 and if i go with solarys i will have to install 3X30" or similar with the t5 because they don'y go 90"
I have 8 blubs total.
2 x 54w 48" bulbs in the back
6 x 80w 60" bulbs towards the front

They are all offset, so the outer 18" get a little less light as the center 54" of the tank. Works out well that way ... Favias are happy now in the less intense lite up area.

These are the same lights I ran on my 150g, minus the 2 x 54w bulbs ... And I had some stuff bleach untill I moved it out of the light.

My acros are all over!
My lr really only goes up to 1/2 way up the tank, and my sps are in the middle to top region, some near the bottom 1/3 of it ... On a 30" deep tank ... So for a 24" deep tank, my stuff would be in the bottom to middle area.

My power bill is $150 for a 3,000 sqft house (2,100 sqft under air), with AC set to 75*F, a well, and whole house RO system (3 x 220v pumps) ... My tank costs me around $50 a month ... I couldn't be happier.

Do I have 3" of growth on my sps every month like some people that run 3 or 4 x 400w MH, dose $50 - $100 a month in additives .. Etc. ... I enjoy my tank, much more knowing that it costs very little for the size.

My entire tank consumes just under 1000w / 1kw at peak time ... Some with tanks this size consume 1200w for their MH alone, then add in VHO supplementation ... 4 or 6 x 96w VHOs?!

As others have said ... There is not a single right way to skin a goat ... Its a preference thing.
If you really want the shimmer lines, go with MH.

Will you get better growth with MH? Maybe.
Will you have a higher power bill? YES!

Not only do the MH bulbs draw more watts, but you also create heat that you may need a chiller for to cool your tank back down, but your house AC unit will also run more.
