Control II software crashed during update...


New member
The profilux control II software crashed during the software update. All I get on the Profilux Plus 2 screen is all the pixels on the top row being black. It will not go into download mode. Manual says the screen will go black.
Jumper is installed.
I tried the download flasher anyways and it did nothing

This happens when the download is selcted on the PC before the ccontroller so the data gets lost.

Please use the GHL support forum they can help you directly please tell the forum you have tried the download tool otherwise they will direct you to general info.
I am getting nowhere with that forum... I just need to know why my controller will not go to the blank screen of download mode... Its kinda frustrating as I JUST got this controller in and I paid like $300 for it and the only thing I actually did with it is calibrate the PH probe... Didn't get to set timers or ANYTHING...