Controller Location


In Memoriam
This may be a silly question but I would like to hear from people who own controllers and dosers as to where they have them setup/placed in relation to their tanks/cabinets. Obviously, these are not wall mount controllers (other than the remote veiwer available), and I am trying to figure out what I would do if I decide to go with the profilux. Cable considerations are important from an aestetics standpoint as my wife does not want a bunch of "wires" hanging all over the place. I would need some fancy ideas/brackets/etc..... in trying to mount them in my cabinet which was custom built for my tank but this controller was not a consideration when the cabinet was designed/built. No way I can justify a new cabinet. My wife would kill me. Appreciate any ideas, pictures, etc......


The beauty of profilux is that you dont have all those hideous (IMO) outside modules which require stacks of wiring, the profiLux has most modules built in, a bit like a PC tower so this makes getting the wiring hidden and neat so much easier.

For mounting, take into account like any controller, moist enviroments shorten the life of ANY electronic device.

My advise would be a neat little shelf along side the tank where you can see the display easily and the wiring can be run back to the tank stand.

I hope some other users can share their set ups with you ;)
Hi, like the idea of a shelf attached to my cabinet's side - I could make that work and the boss wouldn't mind I don't think?

Modules still need to be attached via cable to their prospective probes, right?

Right now I have temp, pH, cond, 6-outlet power strip, and controller power cord - missing anything? AI light cable?


More ideas/input anybody???
The probe modules are all in the profiLux box there are no external modules so the probes wire straight back to the controller.

The only external modules are dosing pumps, pump control -1, fan controller, LED control-1 for TMC LED's

All you list does not require any external modules it all wired right back to the controller :)
What is/are external modules and what do they look like, size, color, etc....? Does the new generation Aqua Illumination LED light module require a Profilux module or a cable connect in back of controller? Will the Vortec pump control (I know it is not available yet) require a module also - your best guess per knowledge of the other pump manuf's control requirements?
External modules are

Pump control-1 for hydor controllable pumps (same style box but smaller as profilux controller)

SMS module (as above)

Dosing pumps (same box as profiLux)

Fan controller (small black box)

LED-Control-1 for TMC lamps (small black box)

Think thats it but have a look here it will give you an idea

The Ai lamp just requires a cable no expansion box

The Vortech I have no clue as yet it could swing either way

Tunze - just a cable
Thank you for your patience in answering my questions. I presently own an Elos BIO II controller with their aux equipment and am trying to decide whether your system and its upgradability, ease of programming, modular add ons and so on as well direct control of AI LED's and future direct control of the Vortech makes it feasable for me to switch controllers.

Thanks Again,

With everything you list I think the answer is yes, although that probably sounds quite biased, but taking the GHL hat off for one minute you raise some very good plus points which are hard to ignore.

I will step out of the thread now and allow users to reply so you get an even better spread of views.
You say to keep it away from a moist area but your limiting factor is the length of the probes you attach to the controller. How long is a ph probe, and temp probe?

It seems like it will have to be right next to the sump...
The industry standard (or rather most common length) is 3 meters GHL probes are just under this at just about 9 feet.
Is this what you mean?

Is this what you mean?

Is this what you mean by a mess of wires?

I have tidied it all up since this shot, but i hear what your saying about a mess of wires!
