Controlling Aqua Illumination LED's

The cables can only be purchased at present from AI or Reef Geek it did not work out both parties manufacturing them.


Hey guys just a quick question about the LED's

I have 2-250W MH and 4-VHO's on my 156Gal starphire tank.
Will two of these LED's from Aqua Illumination replace my MH?

You would have to ask Ai this question, sorry I do not have that sort of info, in fact I have emailed them asking a similar question regarding my cube build whether I need one or two.
What are the dimensions of that Starfire tank?

The quick answer is that you will need more than 2 AI modules. In fact, I would say that 2 MH for that tank was probably not enough either.

The LED technology does not equal the spread spectrum of MH. The AI will have equal to slightly greater intensity directly under the lamp, but loses power much great than a MH light at the angles.

Call Greg at ReefGeek for the recommended lights for your tank.
Chris has said that the spread of the new Ai units is far greater and Greg emailed me saying that 2 units on a 24x24 was "more than enough". After seeing Chris state that 2 maybe sufficient for a 36" tank it made me wonder of two was actually over kill.

I hope either Chris or Greg can reply here.
I have three on my cube of roughly the same dimensions. 620mmx620mmx550mm high.

Found that it gave better coverage. But with the latest version being released you will be ok with two modules.
Chris has said that the spread of the new Ai units is far greater and Greg emailed me saying that 2 units on a 24x24 was "more than enough". After seeing Chris state that 2 maybe sufficient for a 36" tank it made me wonder of two was actually over kill.

I hope either Chris or Greg can reply here.

For what it's worth, I just ordered a 2-unit AI for a 24" SPS tank - I initially asked for 3 light units but Greg said two were more than enough. The new CREE LEDs put out more light, use fewer watts and provide a better spread, so Greg said two were plenty.
Yer this is what I was told also, guess i was being cheap and hoping the "more than enough" line might enable a downgrade to 1 unit that would be "just enough" ;)
I might upgrade my existing units to the new ones when the kit is available. Keep us posted to when you receive yours.
I have an AI led system for my 125gal. I love these lights. 6 modules.
And at our club's Christmas meeting I was EXTREMELY lucky and won a ProfiluxII Plus controller donated by a local supplier. I watched all of Scott Cerreta's tutorial videos. A MUST WATCH!!!! I learned about more things a Profilux's abilities than I knew it had. I am sure I will be in touch with Questions as I work on figuring it out.