Controlling Kessil A360's with Profilux 3


New member
Hey everyone. I recently picked up a Profilux 3 and am wanting to connect my Kessil A360's. Does anyone have any information on how to do this? My main question is do I need a EVG-AP-1F to do this or can I fab a cable to work directly out of my L ports?

For what it's worth the unit I bought also came with a ProfiluxAI cable that has a 3.5mm stereo jack on one end (same as Kessil) and serial on the other. Is it possible to use this cable for my Kessils?
you need to interface between the kessel and the L port. the EVG card is your best option as the junction box does not envoke any AC shut off.
does this work?

does this work?

Was this ever figured out? I have a Kessil 360 with the 0-10v jack. I purchased an apex controller cable that has a male stereo end and an ethernet port connector type on the other end. The wires are green, red, black and white...Any idea? I don't think the ethernet sized connector fits into an L port on the profilux.

Thanks a lot for the response. The Kessil already has a power supply, so would the EVG card still be the answer? I was under the impression that with some "rewiring", the cord should just plug directly into an L-port. Would the EVG card still require a power supply plugged into it?

Maybe I am missing something
Chad correct me if I'm wrong but the EVG card handles "switching & communications" and does provide power for the lights.

You wire the card in between your lights and the ProfiLux and the card merely "controls" the lights.

Here are some How - To videos and the bottom one is on the EVG card.

Check that out and see if that helps at all.
Chad correct me if I'm wrong but the EVG card handles "switching & communications" and does provide power for the lights.

You wire the card in between your lights and the ProfiLux and the card merely "controls" the lights.

Here are some How - To videos and the bottom one is on the EVG card.

Check that out and see if that helps at all.

switching and communications and power if u want to do that too

I only ask if local because I have a few in my closet
Thanks guys. I am in Florida, so not local.

Sounds like this will work for me. I just need the 2 channel inputs (4 lines total) (+/-, +/-) and no power inputs, as the Kessil has its own power lines that I don't want to mess with. Thanks for the help.
That would be simplest. I currently have an apex cable but have no idea where the 4 wires match up on the L-port connector. I think I am just going to give it a shot and do process of elimination. I cannot get much input on GHL's side other than to get an EVG card. Thanks
The ECG card is the 100% way to go for two very good reasons

1. it comes with the correct cable to the profilux so you have zero risk of frying your controller
2. the EVG card recognizes 0 Volts and as such will shut down all power to the Kessil and in doing so making sure the lamp is off, this is also a critical safety feature.
Thanks Michael, but wouldn't that require me to wire the Kessil's power supply up to the EVG card? I hate to cut its power supply wires. I was thinking of just plugging the power supply into the power bar to provide on/off. That leaves me with the EVG controlling intensity and color via the 2 0-10v control inputs. Once the intensity is turned down all the way, the power bar could just switch it off. If I can get this functionality from the EVG without having to connect the power wires, then that sounds like a winner.
yes you would, in this case you just need the connection box which is special order through anyone including reefbytes.
Perfect. That is the answer I was looking for. I knew the EVG sounded like overkill for what I needed. Is there a particular model number or name I should give Allen? I will try to order it today. Thanks a lot!!

For my tank project in the DR, I plan to add DIY LED with dimmable meanwell driver. Can I run these units with the Profilux 3.1 ?

foreveralone the kessil a360we shuts off when dimmed to 0% all you would need to do is control the dimming with the profilux.