I have a 40 breeder tank with live rock and CaribSea live sand. It has been up and running for 5 months now. I was checking my water parameters today and thought I should check copper which I normally don't do. I was very surprised to find two readings today. Using Hanna Checker Copper HR they read 0.22 and 0.25 ppm.
Because I live in an 100 year old apartment building a RO/DI system is not an option. I have been using distilled water from the store, namely Arrowhead and Smart & Final. I checked both bottles today and both read 0 ppm copper.
Reading the "What you need to know about copper" thread I can only conclude the copper is coming from food. I feed my fish Ocean Nutrition Formula Two Flakes, San Francisco Bay Brand Brine Shrimp and Omega One Super Veggie Red seaweed.
Does anyone else have this issue with these foods? Or is the copper coming from the rocks/sand?
I have a peppermint shrimp, a coral banded shrimp, a cleaner shrimp, 3 hermit crabs 2 turbo snails, damselfish, and a yellow tang. All inverts have been happy and thriving.
Should I be worried at this level of copper?
- Jeff
Because I live in an 100 year old apartment building a RO/DI system is not an option. I have been using distilled water from the store, namely Arrowhead and Smart & Final. I checked both bottles today and both read 0 ppm copper.
Reading the "What you need to know about copper" thread I can only conclude the copper is coming from food. I feed my fish Ocean Nutrition Formula Two Flakes, San Francisco Bay Brand Brine Shrimp and Omega One Super Veggie Red seaweed.
Does anyone else have this issue with these foods? Or is the copper coming from the rocks/sand?
I have a peppermint shrimp, a coral banded shrimp, a cleaner shrimp, 3 hermit crabs 2 turbo snails, damselfish, and a yellow tang. All inverts have been happy and thriving.
Should I be worried at this level of copper?
- Jeff