Copper QT


Active member
About to transfer all my fish over to a 75 gallon and treat ich with copper. Since no live rock or sand is used to keep ammonia levels at zero and you can't do water changes, what do you use?
I usually keep a sponge in my sump for this purpose. When I need to setup a hospital tank, I just cut it to size and stick it in my filter. It houses beneficial bacterial and keeps my ammonia at 0. Also, you can do water changes.
I thought you weren't supposed to do water changes when you were running copper? but I do have a ton of sponges in my sump that I can throw in the HT
in regards to water changes if nutrients get high or ammonia and it is needed just predose new water with existing copper level in the QT tank and match the temp then change away.

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In regards to copper treatment, just bare this in mind:

If you leave them in that tank for a long period of time before treating them with copper, ich can fall off and cyst itself onto the glass of the tank. If you treat for the recommended two weeks then remove the copper, that ich can 'live' and reinfect your fish.

Do water changes with copper dosed water at the same level as the tank to maintain medical effectiveness of copper.

That being said, ammonia in a tank that large won't build fast.

Make sure you have a test kit that works with copper. Some liquid reagent test kits (API) won't work with copper in the water, it'll turn blue/green.
I bought the Hanna checker, it should be in tomorrow. So far only one fish is in the 75 but we are going to Cali for reefapalooza. I don't think the purple tang will make it the weekend
Make the same water change amount every second day.
Add back, the same amount of cupramine that would be contained in the water exported.
The amount is just math.
Also, vacuum any uneaten foods and crap of the bottom.
Feed well, high protein foods, this is very important.