Hello fellow reefers, I am currently remodeling my kitchen and my old tank is out. All fish and corals moved to sump in basement until construction is complete. The last 6 weeks have been fine. Monday night I noticed a real turn on corals! slime and shedding skin on some! I immediately noticed a short cut off piece of 12 gauge copper wire 3 inches long sitting on top of one of corals! The electrician has been out of the house for a week. So I think the copper wire was in there a week. Now I am panicked because in 4 hours the family was leaving for vacation for 4 days! I called a local guy I know that his company is fish tanks. He said to mix a batch of water he would come next day and do water changes (Monday night midnight) Well yesterday he told me he was to busy and never came!! I got home last night at 1 am ,to find my oldest yellow tangs 20 years! Dead, and some pretty ugly looking corals. I immediately did the 55 gallon water change. The system is a 75 gallon refugium, dumping into a rubbermade horse water tub holding maybe another 75 gallons. The biggest fish was dead at least 2 days, the other maybe a day, pretty stinky. Please advise! Any help would be greatly appreciated! The corals are candy corals, hammerheads, mushrooms , and one giant toadstool?? The giant one looks pretty bad, shrunk to a 1/4 its normal size. I'll be honest, my tank has been so good, I have no test kits, and have not bought anything for it in 10 years. Just do water changes and watch it all grow like crazy. Now I am heart broken as I await my new rimless 180, to move these guys into.
Thank You guys for all your help!
Thank You guys for all your help!