Coral beauty aggressive twards new yellow tang in tank.


New member
today I added a yellow tang to my tank. my coral beauty is being quite agressive twards him. the are getting in to quite a few fights. the rellow tang is slightely smaller than her. do you think they will settle down. I have had her in my tank for like 7 years now and I think she must think of the tank as hers now as she was not agressive years ago when I first got her and there were other fish in there with her. I am hoping they will settle down once they adjust to each other. what do ya think. how long do you think I should wait to see if they will calm down befor seperating them. I would have to try to return my tang to my LFS. and I am not sure they will accept a return. I am thinking of feeding the tank to hopfully settle things down but I am worried this will have the oppisite affect. any help or pointers would be greately appreciated. thanks.
Try turning the lights off for a few days or I have done this to calm the tank down is to put a net in the tank between the fish. I think the fish are wary of the net and wont swim near it and I have done this to get my butterflies to get along and my Scotts fairy from killing my 2 new fairy wrasses. Usually I noticed that the aggression lasts for about 2 days unless you have a smaller tank, after 2 days the fish might spar and display at one another but it should be back to business as know eat, sleep, and fertilize the live rock.
well I was thinking things would settle down when the lights went out too so I observed the tank as the lights went out normally this evening. well after the lights went out the tang desided he was not scared any more and marched over too the coral beauty's side of the tank and desided to take over that side of the tank for the night I guess. well that started quite a ruckess that still continues but it is hard to see if things have settled as it is dark and the coral beauty hides in the rocks but it apears she has not given up that side of the tank and keeps darting out of the rocks and attacking every once in a while. the tang dose not seem to care and stands his ground. I did feed the tank shortly before lights out and the angel ate it all and the tang didn't eat any. but that dose not suprise me too much as it is his first night in my tank and it has not been a calm one. I hope he dos start eating soon thoough. he dose seem to be eating algae of the rocks though so that is a good sign. tomorrow I will try feeding some sea weed to see if I can get the tang to eat I hope the tang and angel don't fight over the food though.
aggresive fish

aggresive fish

simple answer to your problem, ive used this answer for years ,place a small hand mirror close to where the agresive fish,stays most in the tank. all he is doing is protecting his pieace of the tank ,and the other fish cannot escape is the mirror in the tank and the aggresive fish will spend more time attacking himself and soon foreget about the other fish .remove the mirror after 4or5 days and every thing will be calm try it and see.
thanks for the idea. I might just try that although things seem to have calmed down over night. the tang seems quite distrought though and has sever splits in his fins from the fighting that went on. the coral beauty seems to have calmes some and isn't attacking anymore. but the tang seems nervous hideing in the corner like he expects her to attack at any moment. he dose come out every now and then vary cautiously and she dosn't seem to be attacking so I am hopeing things have settled down. but if the agression starts up again I will try that mirror idea. thanks for the tip.
You make it hard to give an accurate answer to your question when you don't list the size of your tank. I'm thinking if your tank is less than 75gal, your problems will not go away.
actually things have settled down quite a bit actually the tang seems to have made friends with her. seems to fallow her arround some, not aggressively. thanks for the help but they just seemed to have settled things between themselves as I had hoped.