today I added a yellow tang to my tank. my coral beauty is being quite agressive twards him. the are getting in to quite a few fights. the rellow tang is slightely smaller than her. do you think they will settle down. I have had her in my tank for like 7 years now and I think she must think of the tank as hers now as she was not agressive years ago when I first got her and there were other fish in there with her. I am hoping they will settle down once they adjust to each other. what do ya think. how long do you think I should wait to see if they will calm down befor seperating them. I would have to try to return my tang to my LFS. and I am not sure they will accept a return. I am thinking of feeding the tank to hopfully settle things down but I am worried this will have the oppisite affect. any help or pointers would be greately appreciated. thanks.