Coral Dip Using Bayer

Just wanted to say thanks for the info & the vid, really useful!
Since I don't have a QT for Coral, would you recommend to re-dip a frag that's on a plug say once a week or so a few times, just to deal with any potential left-overs, hatched eggs? Or best to leave it alone once in DT
Isaacs55 thanks very much for the info, been searching a bit for this and your post was the most detailed and with video too! Apperciate it.
I believe HD stopped carrying it. Lowes has it.

Last I was in they had moved it to the front of the store and on sale.

I heard from somewhere it was being discontinued.
And to add to the dipping procedure add in a dip in peroxide before the final rinse. Bayer kills the bugs, toothbrush before and after dip helps with potential eggs, and peroxide gets the algae. Win, win win...

What concentration and duration on the peroxide dip?
I bought this stuff a fews years back.I wasn't sure then if it was the correct Bayer and still not sure.I have used it also,no adverse effects.
Can anyone verify it is the correct Bayer or not?
At the time it was purchasing at a local HD on Long Island.Which apparently is longer.

So, its not discontinued, but it is in the process of being re-branded to BioAdvanced.

The company's facebook response when asked was
"I would be happy to assist you with this today. The product is still the same with the same active ingredients. Only the brand name has changed since we are now owned by SBM Life Science and are no longer associated with Bayer."

Has anyone tried it yet? I just received a new bottle on a Amazon order, and am just a bit weary...

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