Coral... For Rudolph


New member
Nice Oxypora that I got from Reefermadness when they were still around.

I'd like to get $100 for it. I paid dearly for it when it was way smaller. It's blue with green eyes. It's probably 6" across.
Rainbow Stylophora

Just some eye candy... I've got a piece for OneReef if you want it, and possibly Jabo.
It has awesome blue polyps too... I paid $90 for this thing when it was hardly recognizable. It had less than 20 polyps and no shape whatsoever.
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How about we just give him some of these?






And if he's lucky, those fine corals will turn his tank into this:


Jeff: Those are really nice, but my beef with SPS is how long does it take to get to that size? My understanding is SPS grows really slow and in five years you may have a descent looking tank if you start with frags? Plus, it sounds like 90% of SPS have major issues with their tanks

Jabo has a great looking new tank and has some pictures on line. I gave him grief (of course he started it first) by showing his picture and labeled it 2011 and took the same picture and labeled it 2014 (or something like that). Point being, is it really like watching grass how long would it take to go from a small frag to that size?

While I kid around about Stupid Pieces of Sticks, I have certainly seen great looking SPS tanks, but I am not sure it is worth the me. However, I can see that if you stay in this hobby long enough, you can get bored with softies and LPS and you go the SPS route. I hope that if I do, I don't send pics of beginner corals and pictures of algae overgrown tanks to all the newbies to make fun of them....certainly no one would sink that low...:hammer:
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How many times can you cut your GSP, kenya tree, and all other softies back before your tank looks like a GSP D-Day invasion? Goodness, if you are going to stick around you should go ahead and convert. The frag swap would be an excellent time to make the transition. I bet money there will be a guy named Harry there who sold me my first piece. Believe it or not about 4 crashes later I still have it (granted it would be much bigger if I knew what I was doing). It makes me smile every time I see it. We have been thru a lot!!
SPS aren't as hard as people make them out to be. Maybe it's not for everyone, kind of like how some people can have an amazing flower bed. I'd love to have one but I hate yard work. So, I won't attempt to have one because I know it'll be neglected. I think some people want to have SPS reefs but lack the discipline to maintain them. And there's others that just aren't good at it, like some people aren't handy. I know these analogies don't encompass every type of reefer but hopefully you catch my drift.

There are a lot of acro's that grow pretty quick too. Some are slow to start but a lot take off once they get a good foot hold. If you're concerned about not having a full reef quickly, you could start replacing some of your soft corals with SPS over time. I've got some decent colonies that I'd hook you up with, you'd just have to give me some nice frags in the future. Unless I decide that I don't like you... then you can't have anything.
Thanks for the kind offer Jeff, but I am not ready for that flower garden just yet. Well actually I do have a flower garden and that's a part of why I don't want to devote the time to needed to keep a SPS garden. I am also traveling quite a bit now and that means no one is watching the tank with any real interest (aka spousal unit) when I am gone almost every other week. Lastly, my primary joy comes from tennis, so I am not willing to devote any more time to reefing.

Certainly a slow transfer is a good plan, but despite all of the encouraging words from the SPS clan, I am happy with the softies and least for now. I am sure there are others out there that are in the same boat, but prefer to lay low....cannot imagine
I hope that if I do, I don't send pics of beginner corals and pictures of algae overgrown tanks to all the newbies to make fun of them....certainly no one would sink that low...:hammer:

I am just trying to get in on all the ribbing going on. Guess I can't partake in the fun.... I'll leave it up to you cool guys
WAAHHHH WAAAHHHH everyone is making fun of my softies!!! Better than your wife making fun of your softie!!!!
I am just trying to get in on all the ribbing going on. Guess I can't partake in the fun.... I'll leave it up to you cool guys

Apparently there is a long line to make fun of non SPS'ers, but I will give you kudo's on your jab. Because of security at work I cannot see the pics on here until I get home. I actually saw your post at work and thought you had posted some pics of SPS you were going to give me and then posted pics to show how nice they were after filling out. Well, I guess the gag was on me You were also on target with the pics. While not the staple of my tanks, I have to admit I have at least one of each, except the white one, and would like one of those too....

So bring it on, but I may swing back....:eek1: If I swung too hard my appologies, I was just trying to match your good zing! Still waiting for Jabo to get one in....all lame..
Apparently there is a long line to make fun of non SPS'ers, but I will give you kudo's on your jab. Because of security at work I cannot see the pics on here until I get home. I actually saw your post at work and thought you had posted some pics of SPS you were going to give me and then posted pics to show how nice they were after filling out. Well, I guess the gag was on me You were also on target with the pics. While not the staple of my tanks, I have to admit I have at least one of each, except the white one, and would like one of those too....

So bring it on, but I may swing back....:eek1: If I swung too hard my appologies, I was just trying to match your good zing! Still waiting for Jabo to get one in....all lame..

Actually, in all honesty, there are very very few people in Memphis that do mostly SPS. I can only think of a few. We are in the vast minority. Most Memphis tanks do have softies and LPS, with maybe a few SPS pieces scattered in between. So us minorities have to rise up occasionally, ha. Like a New World Order.