Coral Fragging Workshop and Raffle 4-22-17

It is that time of year again. On April 22nd at 4:00 pm we will be doing our annual coral fragging workshop and raffle. If you have never been to one of these classes I would highly suggest showing up early as it will be standing room only. As you all know we usually meet the 3rd Saturday of the month, but due to conflicts with Easter this year we have pushed the meeting to the 22nd being the following Saturday. This event will be held at Elmer's Aquarium in Monroeville PA located at 4005 William Penn HWY 15146.

We will provide a wide selection of coral colonies and demonstrate the safe and proper way of dividing those into mini colonies. At the end of the presentation we will raffle off all of the coral that we cut up. We strive to have varieties of coral for beginners to advanced reef keepers so that there is something there for everyone. I am not talking about cutting up 3 or 4 colonies here folks I am talking closer to 20. In fact I believe we had about that last year with over 100 mini colonies leaving at the end of the workshop. You do not need to be a member to attend the class or to participate in the raffle, but if you find value in what we do we would greatly appreciate your support. Tickets for the raffle are just $1 with added tickets for $50 and $100 ticket packs. We are always looking for donations of coral to increase the variety and to help offset the cost to the club. If you have something to donate please do and we will give out free tickets for every item donated to this event and you may also request a chunk of the coral to take back home with you as well.

I always look forward to our largest meeting of the year and the ability to fill a tank for pennies on the dollar so please mark your calendar and take off work because this truly is an event not to be missed. You may find more information about this and other upcoming events on our website See everyone there.
If anyone has any suggestions on what types of coral that they would like to see us cut up by all means please post your suggestions. We will continue looking for donations from members and stores and we will make the final selections the week before the meeting.
Softies= Singularia, toadstool, fuzzy large mushrooms, Zoas.
LPS = Acans, Lobo, Goniapora, Elegance ( maybe??)
SPS = out of the ordinary Montipora, Styophora, Hydnophora.

Or how about we blow the entire budget for the year and do some Torts, Tenius, bounce mushroom, high level chalices, etc. - ya , just kidding!

Oh ya.... I will be bringing a large piece of my Hollywood stunner chalice to frag up (maybe get 5-6 one inch frags) .
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I'll be at this. I want some of those acros Jamie has. I have a yellowish toadstool I'll bring you can wack-a-do.
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We are also at the mercy of what we can find at our supporting stores locally and what people are willing to bring to donate, but we will certainly try to get things that people would like to see.

If you are bringing something to frag you can ask for a piece of it back as well, just so everyone is aware. Even if you want half of a colony back after we cut it, we are fine with that.

Thus far we have
Yellow Toadstool
Hollywood Stunner Chalice
Acropora Millepora
Acropora sp.
Acropora sp.
We will also certainly have a mushroom rock, a zoa colony, Micromussa lordhowensis (Acan) and a bubble tip anemone not yet sourced. We can probably procure a green Sinularia and a nice chalice from a different genus as the Hollywood Stunner.

I was thinking maybe a Duncan or Candy Cane. A Lobo would be nice if I can find a decent one. I would love to find a Blastomussa colony or a Scolymia that we can afford. I wouldn't mind doing another Fungia.

We hope to have around 2 dozen colonies for this class and workshop through donations and purchasing.

If you are not a member now is also the time to join, while the workshop is free and open to the public as well as the raffle we are going to have some spectacular member's only raffle prizes. If you are interested in joining the prorated membership fee from now until December is only $20!
Well guys, I got a call from a buddy that most of us know, who offered to donate us allot of large colonies for the frag workshop next weekend. He only deals in "designer" corals so you know they are going to be nice, acros, montis and chalices oh my...
Just a reminder that the meeting is at 4pm, not at 5pm like usual. Last year this meeting took at 3 1/2 hours, so we are starting early as to not be there after close.
Hollywood Stunner Chalice
Miami Hurricane Chalice
Green Birdsnest
Prism Favia
Acanthastrea Bowerbanki (green & orange)
Blastomussa Wellsi (joker)
Yellow Toadstool
Purple Toadstool
Green Leather
Bubble Gum Bounce mushroom aka Lava Lamp
Disco mushrooms
Red Fugia plate coral
Jason Fox Sunset Montipora
Australian Acropora sp
Australian Acropora sp
Australian Acropora millepora
Montipora spongodes
Another huge acro colony
Another chalice coral

Those are just the colonies that we have coming so far. Still more to get this week