Ok I posted on sps keepers looking for help on coral RTN, nothing seemed to stop the RTN from happening. All water parameters checked out fine. We just moved 2 monthes ago, moving the tank was a nightmare. Anyways we moved all tank water. Corals color came back quickly and I thought everything was fine besides my back. So I started to think what has changed, last week I used the last of my old R/O salt water. The new R/O saltwater change was done 6 days before the RTN. I also notice some dead crabs. I drove down to a local pet store and grabbed a copper test kit, the only test kit I had run out of The copper in my tank is through the roof, I drove down to my work and picked up 100 gallons of purified water and did a big water change. I have a stage 4 R/O auto top off system, I'm sure there are a ton of opinions on othere brands, but the point is that copper still can sneak in you system. It's amazing one small thing can cost me corals.