Coral scaping?


im an addict lol
Ok I have a 72x30x24 sps only tank.

It has been up and running for about 6 months. I'm just now adding corals after qt and so on. My question is for the long turn should I mount my lower height wise growing corals in the front to help view the back corals, but if I do that the taller growing corals will have to be trimmed sooner because the back rock work is closer to the water surface.


Should I mount my shorting in height corals to the back higher on the rocks so that they don't need as much fraging and can grow tall for them, and mount the taller growing corals in the front so they can get very tall and don't need to be dragged because of height?

Her is a link to my build thread if u want to take a look at the aquascaping.

Thx for your input.
