Coral Tank from Canada (1350gal Display Tank)

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My research on this forum and on the web suggests the best method is to put some shrimp meat in the bottom of a tall glass. Put the glass near the location of the crab leaning on a rock. Make sure the glass is at 45 degrees. This will allow him to crawl in but unable to crawl out because the glass is too smooth for him to get a grip to get out. But as has been said a number of times, you need patience. I have tried for two nights so far and still no joy but I am determined. When I do catch him I will be happy to post pictures.


HeHe... Good luck fellas... patience is right! I spent the better part of a year trying to figure out what was eating leather corals in one of my accounts... Something was snipping chunks of leathers off and devouring entire pieces bit by bit over the course of a week or two... then moving on the the next.

I finally spotted the culprit hauling an entire stalk of spaghetti leather up into a rocky den at the bottom of about 4 ft of liverock. It was a teddy-bear crab, about the size of a $1 Canadian coin. After trying a couple of off-the-shelf traps that the crab just played with (in and out at will); I resorted to the time honoured technique successfully used in the past to catch a mantis shrimp out of a 450g tank. An inverted top bottle trap... I got a 3.4L fruit juice bottle; cut off the top at the base of the funnel; inverted it; and sewed it back together with some fishing line/silicone etc. It just so happened that the crab took a 2 month hiatus to moult, but it eventually went for the free-bee [bait] leather in the trap, and I found him sitting there with a guilty look on his face the morning I went in to service the tank...!

But just so you know, they don't always go for the bait in a matter of days... sometimes they take weeks to months.... Enjoy the process, as I'm sure you'll experience the same adrenaline rush [I did] when you finally see the bugger in the trap!
HeHe... Good luck fellas... patience is right! I spent the better part of a year trying to figure out what was eating leather corals in one of my accounts... Something was snipping chunks of leathers off and devouring entire pieces bit by bit over the course of a week or two... then moving on the the next.

I finally spotted the culprit hauling an entire stalk of spaghetti leather up into a rocky den at the bottom of about 4 ft of liverock. It was a teddy-bear crab, about the size of a $1 Canadian coin. After trying a couple of off-the-shelf traps that the crab just played with (in and out at will); I resorted to the time honoured technique successfully used in the past to catch a mantis shrimp out of a 450g tank. An inverted top bottle trap... I got a 3.4L fruit juice bottle; cut off the top at the base of the funnel; inverted it; and sewed it back together with some fishing line/silicone etc. It just so happened that the crab took a 2 month hiatus to moult, but it eventually went for the free-bee [bait] leather in the trap, and I found him sitting there with a guilty look on his face the morning I went in to service the tank...!

But just so you know, they don't always go for the bait in a matter of days... sometimes they take weeks to months.... Enjoy the process, as I'm sure you'll experience the same adrenaline rush [I did] when you finally see the bugger in the trap!

Thank you for that. I think I have found just one more practical use for our EPO Epoxy!!!!!

Thank you for that. I think I have found just one more practical use for our EPO Epoxy!!!!!


LOL. Believe me when I say that when I was going through my dilemma, more than a couple of people suggested that I glue the bugger into his den... however I really wanted to pull the little guy out alive...:spin1:
HeHe... Good luck fellas... patience is right! I spent the better part of a year trying to figure out what was eating leather corals in one of my accounts... Something was snipping chunks of leathers off and devouring entire pieces bit by bit over the course of a week or two... then moving on the the next.

I finally spotted the culprit hauling an entire stalk of spaghetti leather up into a rocky den at the bottom of about 4 ft of liverock. It was a teddy-bear crab, about the size of a $1 Canadian coin. After trying a couple of off-the-shelf traps that the crab just played with (in and out at will); I resorted to the time honoured technique successfully used in the past to catch a mantis shrimp out of a 450g tank. An inverted top bottle trap... I got a 3.4L fruit juice bottle; cut off the top at the base of the funnel; inverted it; and sewed it back together with some fishing line/silicone etc. It just so happened that the crab took a 2 month hiatus to moult, but it eventually went for the free-bee [bait] leather in the trap, and I found him sitting there with a guilty look on his face the morning I went in to service the tank...!

But just so you know, they don't always go for the bait in a matter of days... sometimes they take weeks to months.... Enjoy the process, as I'm sure you'll experience the same adrenaline rush [I did] when you finally see the bugger in the trap!

I went ahead and built a trap as per your instructions. If it works we will have him bronzed and send him to you:)

edit* Okay, after reading your last post, we will have him humanely gilded instead of bronzed.
I went ahead and built a trap as per your instructions. If it works we will have him bronzed and send him to you:)

edit* Okay, after reading your last post, we will have him humanely gilded instead of bronzed.

Okay now that you've jerked my conscience, here's the rest of the story... After I caught teddy, I gave him to one of my friends who continued to feed it leather pcs for a while; but that only lasted a couple of months before he decided to throw the little bugger into some alcohol... who knows perhaps he's already gone for bronzing...!!

Good luck, hopefully yours doesn't stretch it out for the 8 weeks that mine did.

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I just spent the entire morning reading this thread from start to finish. I have to say this is an incredible project. You have a beautiful home and an amazing tank. Congratulations and I know a lot of us aspire to be where you are some day
Well I think I almost got to meet Mr. Nineball in person.

I was at SeaUMarine on Friday and I saw this person talking to the owner that looked familiar, but I couldn't place it... Then it hit me, I remembered from the pictures way back in this post at the pool table... Its Peter....

I didn't want to interrupt the conversation so I thought I would wait to go over and introduce myself and say Hi. Minutes later I turned around and he was gone.....

Maybe next time, I'll keep an eye out for the Bentley in the parking lots of our LFS... :rollface:


It was a teddy-bear crab, about the size of a $1 Canadian coin.

By the way if you do end up with a teddy bear crab, you know the wife is going to want to keep it... :fun4:

SeaUMarine has pretty much become the goto in the East End. Pristine tanks ( it's skimmer central in there!), and a "real" selection. Long way to travel from Oakville, hope Peter came away with something...
Anyone in the Toronto area should be going to the Charles Delbeek presentation this Saturday (2-4). He will be talking about the new 200,000 gallon reef at the Steinhart Aquarium where he is a senior curator. You can find the details for this must see event at

Charles is a very knowledgeable, entertaining and charismatic speaker. His friend and former coworker (Waikiki Aquarium) Bruce Carlson presented an excellent talk about his 165,000 gallon reef exhibit at the Atlanta Aquarium a couple years ago for the MAST club. There is also a dinner after. You will find Peter & I at the bar:) Stop by and say hey.
charles is a great speaker and all around nice guy. he was gracious enough when he was still at the Waikiki Aquarium to give us a behind the scenes tour which was incredible. the Waikiki aquarium has a magnificent 5000 gallon reef tank which has the oldest clams in captivity. they are massive. the tank has a large skylight in addition to several thousands watts of lighting.



in this one he is telling us about the trouble they had with the tank and the giant beam.


along with Julian Sprung he wrote the must have books, The Reef Aquarium, there are three in the series.
I just spent the better part of my morning reading through this thread. All i can say is WOW! This is truly an inspiration to me and I'm sure to everyone. What a great build and a beautiful home.
mate there aint much i can say that hasn't already been said but congrats on the setup looks amazing that and your house haha hope i could have something even half as good as this one day
Well I think I almost got to meet Mr. Nineball in person.

I was at SeaUMarine on Friday and I saw this person talking to the owner that looked familiar, but I couldn't place it... Then it hit me, I remembered from the pictures way back in this post at the pool table... Its Peter....

I didn't want to interrupt the conversation so I thought I would wait to go over and introduce myself and say Hi. Minutes later I turned around and he was gone.....

Maybe next time, I'll keep an eye out for the Bentley in the parking lots of our LFS... :rollface:


By the way if you do end up with a teddy bear crab, you know the wife is going to want to keep it... :fun4:

Next time Cam don't hesitate to say Hi. I always enjoy meeting members of this community. If your timing is good you might even get to sit in the Bentley.

I just spent the better part of my morning reading through this thread. All i can say is WOW! This is truly an inspiration to me and I'm sure to everyone. What a great build and a beautiful home.

mate there aint much i can say that hasn't already been said but congrats on the setup looks amazing that and your house haha hope i could have something even half as good as this one day

Thank you both and welcome to the community.


who did you get your tank from...i have a $50.000 budget and want to get a good tank..thought about glass cages, but don't know

Thanks for the link.....I can't say enough about ATM but just make sure you really feel good about whoever you go through to get it. You absolutely want to protect your investment with a relationship with someone of Mr. Wilson's caliber to assist in vetting the design elements and assuring you that every detail, no matter how subtle, is correct. Good Luck and make sure that you post the announcement for your build here when you are ready......

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