Coral Tank from Canada (1350gal Display Tank)

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you are doing great. i think we would all pass you.

what is growing on the returns at the top of the tank?


Coraline, sponges, algae aaaaaaaannnnd seaweed all the way from Jakarta.

Thanks for the support. Truthfully, it will get better.

Coraline, sponges, algae aaaaaaaannnnd seaweed all the way from Jakarta.

Thanks for the support. Truthfully, it will get better.


it is already really good.

it must be a sponge i see in post #6787

reworded for what? i meant nothing but a compliment for Peters camera skills.

it is already really good.

it must be a sponge i see in post #6787

reworded for what? i meant nothing but a compliment for Peters camera skills.


Actually it is some sea weed that originally grew out of the live rock. I'll try a close up.........not to worry Carl it is good practice for me. I took your comment as a compliment and I am sure Dave did as well. I'm pretty sure he was playing with you. You have been with this community from the beginning so you don't need a character reference! Dave, on the other hand, well let's just say Dave .................. Dave is family, sort of, almost, just about.............

very nice photos Peter. Now we all just need you and Mr Wilson to attend a video and cinematography course!

Can i ask if you have a favourite spot of the tank? With 50ft of reef to spoil yourself with I expect it is difficult to take it all in. So when you have a quiet 5 mins is there a particular spot that you like to sit/stand at?
very nice photos Peter. Now we all just need you and Mr Wilson to attend a video and cinematography course!

Can i ask if you have a favourite spot of the tank? With 50ft of reef to spoil yourself with I expect it is difficult to take it all in. So when you have a quiet 5 mins is there a particular spot that you like to sit/stand at?

This is a very good question and has come up repeatedly in the recent past. I do find that the focus shifts depending on the evolution of the tanks inhabitants. Since the tank is so young most new entrants act as a center of gravity for me. I have also had a few surprises along the way with a development of appreciation with new (at least for me) species. The gorgonians have been an enormous source of pleasure for me. Not only do they look nice, it feels like a significant accomplishment to keep them alive and healthy in a captive mixed environment. Chingchai has acknowledged the same fascination and I think I am beginning to understand why. In his case its magic, in my case its hard work!!!!

Elegance corals in a long landscape are hard to beat. I just got a bad batch and lost 8 to 10 but I am determined to keep at it and continue to learn and grow with them.

I have to send this and move to another location switching from a desktop to a more in the next post......

Wow your photo skills have increased drastically. Great progress and the photo training is really paying off even thou you just started!!
Great job!
Part Two......

Part Two......

I do enjoy stoney corals. They present quite a challenge because its almost impossible to get decent sized colonies so the hobbyist is left to letting nature take its course over what feels like a lifetime, especially when the landscape is 50 ft long.

This tank is diverse enough to offer hundreds of micro environments suitable for just about any fish. I think I can suggest that with this tank that the territorial imperative is at an all time low. All the fish seem to accommodate one another without too much aggressive tendencies. The result is that most of the fish make use of the whole tank with very few examples of proprietary behaviour. The fish with the most character have been the blue spotted Jawfish. I had two of them and every visitor to the tank was fascinated with the behaviour.

Having said all of that in answer to your question is there a favourite vantage point I enjoy.....I would have to say......not yet. I still find it difficult to relax and just soak up an unfiltered peaceful experience because everything is still so new to me. I still feel it whenever I lose a fish or coral and even with 50 feet I know every fish and coral. There are times I wonder how the great barrier reef functions without my help!!!!

Wow gorgeous fish!
Which species is it?


wow peter the tank has come a long way
looks real good.
looks like your a good student,both with photography and a reef keeper

i got it now!

for the photography-did you use a tripod for some shots?

did you use a flash on or off the camera?

hi iso setting?

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