Coral Warfare (Winners & Loosers)


New member
If anyone is interested I 'd like to start an ongoing thread about coral warfare.
Probably at one time or another all of us have had a frag accidently tip over and touch its neighbor with bad results for one of the two. Most times the winner is somewhat predictable but sometimes not. Although it may not be possible to know for sure the ID of both species/individuals involved I still think this info may provide a good general guideline for coral placement. I am curious to see what your experiences are. We can define the looser as the individual which exhibits visible damage (not neccessarily death).
(It might also be interesting to note which coral is bigger/actively growing as well)

Here are my experiences:

Brown w/purple rim Montipora (capricornus?) larger colony
VS Orange Montipora (capricornus?)......Winner=Brown Monti

Blue/purple Stag Acropora
VS Orange Montipora (cap?).......Winner= Acro

Corkscrew (or Long Tentacle) Anemone
VS Euphyllia (Hammer) LPS coral.........Winner (surprise)=Hammer

Pink Seriatopora (Bird's nest)
VS green LPS Turbinaria pelata..........Winner=Almost a tie but Bird's nest tips slightly burned (Bird's nest is starting to grow up and over LPS now)
blue milli looses to hydronopora...ouch.

brown/green digi beats orange digi

green plating monti beats red plating monti (growing together nicely now)

IME any sps's vs milli = winner milli. I think I have only had 1 sps, ( I can't remember now ) win a fight against a milli.
Yongei acropora (green Slimer) Vs. Brown Monti. Cap. Winner = Yongei

Yongei acropora (green Slimer) Vs. Rock anenome (hitchhikers on LR) Winner = Yongei. It grown staight over top and tries to suffucate the anenome of light.

Yongei acropora (green slimer) Vs. Pink Hyacinthus acropora (tabling) Winner = Tie. They seem to be growing straight upwards against each other. No tissue reccesion or stress. Full polyp extension.

Green Button polyps VS. Red Monti. Cap. Winner = Green Button polyps.

Green Button polyps VS. Brown Monti. Cap. Winner = Green Button polyps.

Green Button polyps VS. Green w/ purple rim Monti. Cap. Winner = Green Button polyps.

Brown Monti. Cap. Vs. Yellow porites Winner = Porites. The Cap grows around the porites it won't grow within 1/2" of the porites. The Monti seems to sense the porites.
LOVE THIS THREAD! It's gonna be cool b/c you can look at all the ties that grow nicely together w/o harm and piece together the ultimate reef.

ROAB Pink and blue prostrata beats A. Azurea w/o a scratch
Yellow Tort beats the heck out of A. Rosaria
A. Humulis kicks the crap out of Idaho grape cap
Hydnophora vs Toadstool: Winner: Hydnophora
Hydnophora vs Green Digi: Winner: Hydnophora
Hydnophora vs Frogspawn: Winner: Slight win to Hydno, although both showed some recession
Hydnophora vs Blue Stag: Winner: Hydnophora...

get the picture?
red yuma beats orange monti cap
red yuma beats red and green blasto
blue milli beats a. secale
red yuma beats pink zoo's
chalice beats yellow fiji finger leather they have long sweepers!
red yuma beats acans
pink pocci vs green zoo's nothing neither seemed affected
RBTA vs GBP and GSP none are bothered

as u can see my red yumas like to win lol those are some mean suckers
here we go

here we go

Starpolyps VS Green Monti winner = star polyps
Xenia VS Mille winner = Xenia
Mille VS Monti winner = Mille
Valida VS Birdsnest winner = Valida
Valida VS polcipora winner = Valida
Green Carpet VS Tangs (yellow, brown) winner = Carpet Youch!
Green Carpet vs Angels ( Rock and Flame) winner, well you guessed it Carpet, again Youch!
purple plate monti vs Orange digitata winner = Purple plate
Green Polyped Sarcophynon vs Anything in my tank winner = Toadstool
Xenia VS Goniporra winner = Goni
Yonegi vs Mille winner= Yongei
Xenia VS Chips Acro winner = Chips PE full on
Mike Paletta Blue Acro vs tank parameters winner bad water quality. luckily adjusted since then lol


Hydnophora sp. has pretty much dominated any particular coral. However, I have noted that some corals, such as Montipora sp., will regrow quickly in response (attempting to overgrow Hydnophora). Pocillopora species seem to be the second most dominant, overtaking various Acropora species. Beyond that, Plerogyra sp. is the most aggressive in my particular tank, fiercely stinging anything, including an H. crispa anemone, and winning.
Anyone have a birdsnest beat any other coral?

...which ones?

(I always place new acclimating sps next to my birdsnest pieces since it seems to be a safe bet)
Unknown table form acro beats Cali tort :)

Sorry its so blurry, its the best I could get. You can see the table thowing out sweapers and stinging the tort.
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surprisingly, my lime green cap fell onto my green milli and made a small burn spot on the milli.. ricordia will eat a frogspawns sweeper tentacle, as well as green moon polyps eat my galaxia sweepers..
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7690485#post7690485 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Amphiprion
Hydnophora sp. has pretty much dominated any particular coral. However, I have noted that some corals, such as Montipora sp., will regrow quickly in response (attempting to overgrow Hydnophora). Pocillopora species seem to be the second most dominant, overtaking various Acropora species. Beyond that, Plerogyra sp. is the most aggressive in my particular tank, fiercely stinging anything, including an H. crispa anemone, and winning.

To add to this, my bubble actually eats mushrooms (and Ricordea sp.) that are unfortunate to drift around.