Coralife Aqualight 1W Lunar Blue-Moon-Glow LED Light

Mako Shark II

Fish are Friends not Food
Tyson -
This is the 1w Coralife Moonlight that you were asking about.

Moonlight LED (click me!)

It's available from the LFS's (Kermit's or MemFish) for around $30. It's only a single LED, but I find it to be a great value, compared to other (dual) LED set-ups. That one-watt is remarkably bright!

In my 120 here, I'm using 2 each. They come on first (dawn), and are the last ones off (dusk). In between, my T-5 Actinics and 500w of MH lighting cycle on & off. (I do cycle the LEDs "off" after the T-5's fire; then bring them back up, just before the T-5's go off-line, following the MH firing and shutdown. Everything overlaps slightly.

Light cycle: (using 3 timers)
Dawn (LEDs)
Morning (T-5's)
NOON! (MH's up for 9-hours, T-5's off)
Evening (T-5's)
Dusk (LEDS)
Lights Out!

They cast a nice deep-water subtle light and you can watch night-time critters come out.

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Marty, how deep is your tank? I've wanted moonlights that will work in my 30 inch deep tank but been too afraid to buy. These are pretty bright? Do they come in white too?
I have a 30" deep tank as well. I'm pretty sure Marty's tank is 24" deep. So I'm thinking it will work on my tank as well
30"? NO Problem Mon with the Coralife 1 watters. I've been told that other lights, though more numerous, aren't as bright as these and I believe that.

My "morning" Cycle is at 3PM, so by the time "dusk" rolls around, It's like 12:00-12:30 AM, and totally dark in the House. At taht time of night, these things through a TON of light. It's really surprising how much (relative) light, they throw.

Buy them! (I started with one from my 20g nano, then added (just one more for the 120 and it's enough.)

P.S. - Yes my 120 is std. 48x24x24h