Coralife aqualight pro

have the 48" 2x150W version, works great for me, have a current 24" on another tank, like the moonlights on the coralife better.. no experience with the 250W..
I would go with T5's if I were you.

They run much much cooler than the PC's and if you get the right setup the put out a busload more light.
i'm totally not going down the road behind the whole t-5 trend... i know some are successful keeping sps and clams with them, but i'm a halide kinda guy... took lots of strength just to settle on HQI instead of my moguls....
i had the 4x65w for my 55 gal... i liked it a lot. it had the lunar lights and whatnot... solid construction and it's CF... not much else to be said