Coralife SS125 skimmer issues, please help


New member
so i had this skimmer for a month, i heard very good things about it, so i got it for my 55g reef.

all things great, but few days ago i came home from dinner and found this bastard pumped im estimating around 2 gallons on my carpet. the collection cup is connected to a 1gal milk bottle just for safety measures. i was only out for like 3 hours and the bottle was empty when i left. so the bottle filled up and started overflowing on my carpet :(

what would cause it skim so wet so quickly, i am having huge issues with water level in the skimmer, one day up the other is down, i lowered is since afraid it will do it to me again, so it barely skims anything now...

please help
I had this happen to me also, but luckily it dumped water on concrete instead of carpet.
I have my water level set right in the middle of the neck of the skimmer or collection cup. Sometimes the skimmer wont have enough proteins to skim out, as other days. the amount of Skimmate can fluctuate from day to day.
i understand but the water level should be constant, the buble production should vary based on proteins.... am i missing something?
I set my watr level like I said above and a few hours later I had water on the floor as well, It seems the riser didnt fully rise the water level until that time. The skimmer went nuts and overflowed.

I have since set the new water level and watched it for a few minutes until I knew it wasnt going anywhere. I continued to check it for a few hours after just to make sure.
It can be tricky, and you will just have to play with it until you get where you want it.
i had that level for weeks and did not change it, and it overflowed so it cannot be the level, something somewhere went wrong and started producing very wet skim...

thanks for your help mand, hey did you do any mods on yours to optimize the production?

No, every now and then i will clean it and will get a huge differnce in skimmate.
That is the only other thing i can think of, I too had the same problem and now it is fine.
some water condition and med will cause the skimmer to go crazy .. e.g. red slim remover . So just watch up if you add anything to the tank.
do you guys have your return from skimmer go into defuzer or straight to the sump, what about the nipple on top that line, open or closed?
I have mine going into the sump, I barely get any bubbles so I dont need to use the diffuser. I have the nipple on top closed.