coralife super skimmer 125 question


New member
I wanted to switch from the included pump to a mag 5 but I get no bubbles, can I use a mag 5 for this skimmer? if so how do I get buubles, looks like I need some sort of air liine but I don't see where you can hook 1 up to that pump.


when water evaporates i have to adjust the skimmer accordingly, that sucks, do other people with this skimmer need to constantly adjust it?

here is a pic of my setup,

I dont adjust mine much. I have the water line pretty low so I dry skimmate. Do you have a top off system?
Rob why would you want to replace the needle wheel pump with a regular pump? Anyway you will need a venturi to get air into the skimmer.
Yeah, what Dubbin1 said. The pump that comes with the CSS125 is a needlewheel venturi pump. Meaning that it draws in air, and chops it up into fine bubbles.

Mag Drive pumps do not have venturi's or needlewheels. I'm sure you can mod one for this purpose, but why wouldn't you just use the pump that comes with the skimmer. It's made to match the skimmer...
yeah a mag would be a downgrade in this application if u are looking to increase the skimmer production u may want to switch it to a recirculating skimmer