Coralife Turbo-Twist UV Sterilizers


Premium Member
Question about this sterilizer.?
I bought one used from a member here not FMAS, but on the used forum. I plugged it in and the bulb came on for about 30 second and then went out. so I was thinking the the bulb was bad.......I bought 2 bulb from a vendor on ebay new bulbs non coralife but cant get either bulb to fire.....I have almost as much money in this sterilzer as a new one....:(
any suggestion besides the trash
resell it to someone else, (not on here) maybe craigslist to get your money back. :/ iunno. sounds like you got jacked for your money. or maybe you need coralife bulb to make it work. iunno
I would never sell junk to anyone....Im going to contact the seller to see if I could get my money back......He said it worked before he packed it up....I cant believe it stopped working 3 days later...:)

Im not sure about the after market bulbs
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