Corals and Equipment for sale!


Active member
Just kidding. I picked up an achilles tang last night from Johnny. I had expected a juvie but this thing is like 6-7 inches long and it's thick! Great looking fish. I set up a 30 breeder with a cascade 1200 canister filter to quarantine it. I rushed the QT because I got an email Monday night saying the fish would be in Tuesday. Not much notice. I did a water change on my large tank and used 10g from that and 10g of new saltwater. I also grabbed a huge rock from my sump and threw it in there. I got a new ammonia test kit and plan on testing daily and changing small amounts of water daily/every other day.

Now, for those of you who quarantine - do you medicate every fish or just watch it for months? I told my wife it might be 2 months before the fish goes into my display because that's how long some symptoms take to arise. Is that correct?

Any thoughts on the QT or the process I am going to be using are welcome.
:frog: wise guy! Awesome to hear about your acquisition. I'm glad you are taking the proper quarantine steps. I must confess, I have no experience to share with you about quarantine practices....
I got burned by ich by trying to slip one fish into my DT. I've been fallow for 10 weeks now and am just starting to get fish. I'm qt in cupramine (copper) for 2-3 weeks minimum. If symptoms show much longer.
When I got my Achilles about 2 years ago I did a QT with copper and Prazipro. He was about 4" then and today he's 7" and a beast (about 4 inches thick). Good luck and post some pics one of these days ;-)
I put in a small mag pump that is for like table fountains or something like that and I have it positioned to churn the surface so there is a lot of gas exchange there.
i think this fellers guy is going around mass posting to get his posts up, probably for buy/sell forums.

I agree, his posts are only a couple of words and are pointless.

On topic, yesterday was the first time I would say I successfully saw this tang eat. I added an LED pendant that I had laying around. I thought I would keep him in ambient light for a week to get used to the place but he never ate so I put up a light on half of the tank. He loves to be in the light and ate an entire cube of brine w/spiriluna. I will try to sneak in more foods slowly by saoking them in the brine juice.

So,far offered - 2 types of pellets, 4 types of nori, mysis, brine, larrys (LRS), flakes, culerpa(sp?), and gracilaria(sp?). Magnets and rubberbanded to rocks for all 4 nori and the 2 macros. He is still fat though so I am not worried yet. I will get picthis weekend so everyone can see hwo dirt simple my set up is :)