Corals for April Meeting?


So, is it too soon to start? Nah. Anyway, I have still not made it to a meeting and it is time to re-enlist already for my second stint of membership. Who will have some shrooms, maybe candy cane or blastos for the next meeting? Where and when will it be?
If anyone is going to be selling coral COLONIES, please keep me in mind. Have a lot of space to fill. Promise to redistribute frags someday, unless I turn into a crazed coral killer.
Hey Justin,
The MR peeps all picked up their corals or I would have brought them all in to you for the next meeting.

I didn't realize how big most of the pieces were. Needed giant bags and styro cooler for them. Would have worked good in your 375g. Crap....crap....crap......!
Need to grow you out some!
What is the date for the April meeting? I get back from Bonaire on the 15th of April. After a week of diving among the corals in the Caribbean, I get the bug back to add tanks to my system, lol.
Jn I have 3 pretty large colonies for sale, can send pics. 1 purple/blue tip nana, 1 red/burgundy millipora and another blue tip thick branched acropora. Let me know. At least 8" around.
OK, is this close enough the meeting to bump up this thread? Still wondering who will have some shrooms, maybe candy cane or blastos for the next meeting?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6958090#post6958090 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by TimSalty
What is the date for the April meeting? I get back from Bonaire on the 15th of April. After a week of diving among the corals in the Caribbean, I get the bug back to add tanks to my system, lol.

All meeting dates are listed on the lira website.
Eric, when you click on Kings Park HS it gives you directions to Doweling , mite want to close that temporary so no one new gets confused and goes at Doweling that day.
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Tony - Thanks for the purple shroom rock - it looks great in the tank! It was great to put faces to the screen names too. See y'all in May.