Corals prices gone wild !!!!

Ok here is my 2 cents. I agree that a colony of zoes look better than a tiny frag plug or better yet a tank full of tiny frag plugs. I also agree that some zoes look better than others and some pics are better than others however the LFS have some very nice zoes and for very reasonable prices that in my opinion are just as nice as some on RC. Have I bought from the RC forums yes but only for under 5/polyp and only for zoes that i know will never come to my LFS (they get certain things on a regular basis with few exceptions)

I dont understand why some people pay so much for what I consider a sustainable resource i.e it reproduces with out much help from us. I dont think you can compare it to a car. If when I bought a Ferrari it produced a new Ferrari every month I would still buy a ferrari because I could then give Ferraris to all my friends and lets face it you can get more chicks with Ferraris than pintos.

The prices are what they are and will change according to who is buying I dont like someones tank because it is full of zoes that no one else has I like it because it looks cool and pleasing to the eye. I think most people buy the LE polyps so they can say hey I have something you dont have. That to me is stupid I too use a pay it forward idea in my local club if for nothing else than to help me restock in the event of a tank crash. Ok end of rant.
All I am saying is color is KING for me! For some reason my LFS can't sale brown zoas to anyone not even newbies... There is a difference. I am not saying they are made differently but they are different. If Candy Apple Reds came in to everyones LFS then everyone would have them and they would be cheap. Unfortunately they don't. So thank heavens we don't live in a world where zoas are LIKE PS3's where all the zoas and plays look the same but rather the Zoas and Palys don't come in looking the same.

I don't feel that bad paying more for better looking zoas/palys. Heck I have to pay more for a better PS3 with more memory. Why wouldn't I have to pay more for nicer zoas/palys.
Eh...It doesn't matter to me anymore. Just wait for things to get cheaper. You can also find some diamonds if you shop around and take your time. I just did a thread with something I havn't seen in person and it cost 25 bucks.
Nice find! I agree on finding some diamonds in the ruff sure. Actually the original Mohawk Paly is a diamond in the ruff. I saw the basketball size colony where it originated and it didn't look like anything under the normal lighting but man are they sweet!
All that I can say is it’s sad that I’m not a Millionaire, because I would buy all the high-end stuff up, grow them out and sell all the frags for $10. Don’t care how much it cost me because I’m a millionaire. But I’m not so were stuck with what we have. DANG!!!
For me this used to be a hobby of good hearted people who you went to for help and advice, that is still the case in most cases however the greed is what gets to me. I cant tell you how many times I have given as in for free 500 Efflo, ORA red planet and pearlberry because the stuff grows like a weed for me and we have new reefers all over.
10 years from now there will probably be frags at 2k per eye.

Its a bit like saying "why pay 2k for a pair of designer jeans? Its just clothing"

If you like them, why not? No one is forcing people to buy them.
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.... however the greed is what gets to me. I cant tell you how many times I have given as in for free 500 Efflo, ORA red planet and pearlberry because the stuff grows like a weed for me and we have new reefers all over.

That is great of you....and more people should do exactly the same to kill what the market has become by saturating it with reasonably priced coral(or even free for the fast growers).

For the prices some of my local hobbyists charge for a spec of a frag, I can pay 10 bucks more and get a full frag. It is sad, it was just a few years ago you could get great frags of colorful coral for $10-20.
To all the people who say the more colorful corals (The ferrari of zoas) should cost more because they are more colorful... I say to you, the diver that collects these does not get paid anymore for them (with the exception of blue's)... Why should we pay more for it...?

This is how hype begins...

What is really sad to me, is that I saw these at my LFS the other day, $45 for about 350 polyps... :spin2: However, they were not named...

And this is how hype continues... :hmm3:

I'll give you a hint... fill in the *'s with r2r...
To all the people who say the more colorful corals (The ferrari of zoas) should cost more because they are more colorful... I say to you, the diver that collects these does not get paid anymore for them (with the exception of blue's)... Why should we pay more for it...?

This is how hype begins...

What is really sad to me, is that I saw these at my LFS the other day, $45 for about 350 polyps... :spin2: However, they were not named...

And this is how hype continues... :hmm3:

I'll give you a hint... fill in the *'s with r2r...

yup thats how it starts. To me they are definitely not worth that price. I like the colors of the UC and SM better.:spin2:

HAHA, thanks for the late night laugh! :D Sad that this is a typical scene in this hobby. There's a LFS here that was trying to sell me some "Collector's Edition" corals with the same hype till I called him out on it. Most of my favorite zoas are considered "wild" and have colored up very nicely in my tank. I might have to think of names for them and retire :lol:
For me this used to be a hobby of good hearted people who you went to for help and advice, that is still the case in most cases however the greed is what gets to me. I cant tell you how many times I have given as in for free 500 Efflo, ORA red planet and pearlberry because the stuff grows like a weed for me and we have new reefers all over.

I feel you my friend, just stay true to who you are, is the best advice I can give you.

Mucho Reef

That is textbook shenanigans right there, I love that they just ignored everyone asking for a flash/colony pic too. I posted in there and it turns out the guy running the shop is RandyO, he actually used to be a great contributing member on RC so it's sad seeing him put hype over ethics, but in all honesty r2r was built from the ground up to be a vehicle for that type of bs.
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That is textbook shenanigans right there, I love that they just ignored everyone asking for a flash/colony pic too. I posted in there and it turns out the guy running the shop is RandyO, he actually used to be a great contributing member on RC so it's sad seeing him put hype over ethics, but in all honesty r2r was built from the ground up to be a vehicle for that type of bs.

Agreed... One trip to the selling forum will tell you that. Which is exactly why i stay away from sites like that. I am surely not going to contribute to those types of practice.
This hobby not about posting eye candy threads, creating false hype, and gouging coral prices.
I really don't get the people who want to compare coral pricing to cars, handbags, cell phones, or whatever else.

Lets try and put this in perspective........

If Sony put out a PS1 in hot pink, does that make it worth $1000?

Or are these new polyps made 100% by hand, using nothing but the finest materials?

Or were these the new upgraded polyps that clean your tank and add top off water when needed?

I agree, there is no comparison.
In my opinion it comes down to what people want and what it's worth to them. I won't buy something if I think it's overpriced and I still have alot of nice pieces in my tank, but I have good friends in the hobby and the right type of LFS to thank for that. My friend buys all of his corals as single polyp frags for $25+ from a online and a different LFS that's always overpriced, but has what you want if you are willing to pay.

The LFS I use and now work at doesn't mess with per polyp anything. We have a loose frags tank where we put any growoff or fall off frags to sell so they don't take over our coral tank, but they are decent size chunks for $10. As for large colonies we get a few nice zoas and palys come through. Like last month we had a 6" rock completely covered in Red people eaters. At least 50-60 polyps. They were all a dull maroon because they were wild caught and also under not so amazing light, but if you knew what they were you wouldn't mind the $39 price tag. Those are the stores you need to support, the ones that still do it the old school way and sell corals not just little bits and pieces for one weeks pay.

Think about it this way, if you were a little kid going to a candy store and only had $5 would you want the $5 bag of assorted mishapen candy or the one $5 piece that is pretty colors knowing they will taste the same?
Untill little Timmy. Stops buying "lady gaga zoa" or the vendors stop. The party will continue.

Now that made me laugh big time, LOL:lolspin::bounce2::lolspin::bounce2::lolspin::bounce2:

13 hours, and no replies, comments or new post in this forum. wow !!!