Corals prices gone wild !!!!

Take one for the team
Grow out
Share the goods
More in Circulation
Price drop
Drink beer
Good night

Ah yes, the good ole' HTBGSMPDG method - how could we have forgotten? :spin2:

But in all reality, I bought 4 colonies for $10 a piece because I LIKE them. They each had 8 - 15 heads and I can only hope that they spread because then I will like them more, not because I hope to resell them and make mad profit.
There are plenty of extremely nice corals at good prices, but corals are more of a fad, sadly. I can't stand when people asking "what coral are in now?" Like what, are corals some rich persons fashion? Find a good LFS and a good club in your area.
we have nobody to blame but ourselves, think about it...we as hobbyist are the ones setting the market for these outrageous prices, the problem is one or two bad apples spoil the bunch, all that you need is one person to overpay for a frag and ((((BAM)))) the pricing is set! It doesn't help when people *HYPE* a piece to no avail and get every gullible reefer believing they are getting the next greatest piece out there but if there is one thing that time has taught us about these overpriced corals is that they eventually loose their luster and than it's on to the next "must have" frag...People need to learn that when people call it LE and slap some stupid name on it, take macro pics under 30K led and put a $1000 price tag on it, they need to not give in to temptation and hold off overpaying for these corals,then and only then will this foolishness end
Friday and Kev, agree with you.

Guy, I just pop in and out now. Not active like before. But like I've been saying before, things don't change until people themselves do. Until them this vicious cycle will continue.
Want corals to be cheaper? Make them more common.

Disagreed, the vast majority of the crazy pricey zoanthids and other corals are ridiculously common. Want corals to be cheaper, ask for a flash picture and compare it to common stuff, most of it's just really colored up dime a dozen corals with an awesome picture.
It's appalling, but honestly for the most part it's not stores that are doing it, it's hobbyists that color up corals they get from their LFS or online, then tag their names on them and get a great pic which makes them rarer somehow so they can rip off other hobbyists.

Case in point, a lot of sponsors on here sell maxi mini carpets for $40-60, but you go on the classifieds and the SAME anemones are selling for $120. That they bought from sponsors or their local LFS. But don't post in the threads or you get banned, just shut up and watch people take it with no lube.

I know A TON of LFS all over the country that get in amazing, rare corals and sell them at great prices, but people don't support their local shops anymore because the fad is to buy a polyp at $40 than the same wild colony for $40 that needs a little coloring up. So the scammers buy from the LFS and the hobbyists buy from the scammers, and the cycle continues and now it's a pathetic mess where people "show off" their $12,000 90 gallon tank that's just 100 nickle sized dots on rocks and looks hideous.

We buy it, we perpetuate it by pretending it looks good and complimenting people on their awesome frag plug dominated tanks, so if anyone's the problem it's us, the scammers are just preying on the idiocy. Think about it, when was the last time someone posted a picture of a $900 two eyed speck of a chalice and the predominant opinion wasn't "*** is wrong with you that you let yourself be ripped off in such an obvious manner." It's always "wow, you must make good money and therefore be a better reefer, here, have some pointlessly undeserved respect."

Nominated for best post of 2010. :beer:

Disagreed, the vast majority of the crazy pricey zoanthids and other corals are ridiculously common. Want corals to be cheaper, ask for a flash picture and compare it to common stuff, most of it's just really colored up dime a dozen corals with an awesome picture.

Followed up by another zinger.
organism for president...

I totally agreed with him! But some people that bought into the hype are just stupid and rich (maybe not)

I totally agreed with him! But some people that bought into the hype are just stupid and rich (maybe not)
or just figured to strike while the iron was hot, pay what ever the price to be one of the first, hope the new piece survives, grows fast and able to frag up. Then make up the money originally spent and them some to buy more newly hyped corals then do the same.then on and on and on. Cycle continues blah blah blah.

but in all honesty and seriousness, this topic is like a broken record, just search RC. I wonder why it is a broke record
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Disagreed, the vast majority of the crazy pricey zoanthids and other corals are ridiculously common. Want corals to be cheaper, ask for a flash picture and compare it to common stuff, most of it's just really colored up dime a dozen corals with an awesome picture.

That's just great marketing. Apple creates a shortage on their products to drive up the hype and design eye appealing products that are consumers must have.
I stop contributing money to this hobby over 1 year now and haven't been more happy.
but in all honesty and seriousness, this topic is like a broken record, just search RC. I wonder why it is a broke record

Because threads like this are honestly of little value, no offense guys/gals. And let's be honest, each and every one of us is feeding the frenzy (oh my, shocked readers! ;) )

If consumers buy at the prices vendors are offering, prices will stay the same. While there are amazing numbers of hobbyists on RC, plenty still aren't. And lets be honest, I guarantee you at least one of you that's posted in this thread, in the next 12 moths, will pay the big bucks for at least one frag. This forum and everyone involved helps feed the prices by putting fancy pants names on everything, absolutely needing to know what that five to ten word fancy pants name is for the mini frag they just received every time they buy one. Each and every one of us is directly or indirectly responsible for the prices that exist today, whether you choose to acknowledge it or not. The hundreds of threads and thousands of posts do very little until the mentality of the hobbyist changes. But I'm sure we'll have some people in here soon to bump old threads of this same topic... again... yielding very little positive result and just more angry hobbyist threads instead of real info that can help zoa/paly reefkeeper.

Look through the other sub-forums on RC. This is the primary one that constantly wonders "why are we paying so much", then does everything possible to ensure those prices stay high by constantly posting and pushing the new, biggest, expensive thing.

In the end none of this matters, and pay what you are comfortable paying, nothing more, nothing less. Some want to pay the big bucks (and some of you are guilty, I have been), and you can't force them not to do so.
hopefully a new guy will come to RC and not fall into the name game trap. i really hope they see this post and take a stand before they even start their tank.

for every argument there will be a differing opinion...but theres a slight chance youll find some one who agrees.

Because threads like this are honestly of little value, no offense guys/gals. And let's be honest, each and every one of us is feeding the frenzy (oh my, shocked readers! ;) )

If consumers buy at the prices vendors are offering, prices will stay the same. While there are amazing numbers of hobbyists on RC, plenty still aren't. And lets be honest, I guarantee you at least one of you that's posted in this thread, in the next 12 moths, will pay the big bucks for at least one frag. This forum and everyone involved helps feed the prices by putting fancy pants names on everything, absolutely needing to know what that five to ten word fancy pants name is for the mini frag they just received every time they buy one. Each and every one of us is directly or indirectly responsible for the prices that exist today, whether you choose to acknowledge it or not. The hundreds of threads and thousands of posts do very little until the mentality of the hobbyist changes. But I'm sure we'll have some people in here soon to bump old threads of this same topic... again... yielding very little positive result and just more angry hobbyist threads instead of real info that can help zoa/paly reefkeeper.

Look through the other sub-forums on RC. This is the primary one that constantly wonders "why are we paying so much", then does everything possible to ensure those prices stay high by constantly posting and pushing the new, biggest, expensive thing.

In the end none of this matters, and pay what you are comfortable paying, nothing more, nothing less. Some want to pay the big bucks (and some of you are guilty, I have been), and you can't force them not to do so.
Guy, I just pop in and out now. Not active like before. But like I've been saying before, things don't change until people themselves do. Until them this vicious cycle will continue.

hence the reason i decided to stop posting in this section of the forums along time ago. i still look around and every once in awhile post, but its the same old BS over and over again. people will never learn or simply do not care to listen. i feel like im preaching again so i will shut up now.

it was nice to see you pop back in for awhile. oh yea and BTW what AR15 did you end up getting?
the prices will remain high because there are newbs to prey on. newbs that aren't in the know will pay the higher prices because they don't know where to get it for cheap. IE, suckers paying $100+ per purple hornet polyp when there is a vendor online selling a frag of 15+ heads for $12. same coral, not hyped by fancy name and photo :lol:

all it takes is one person to come on the subforums lps, sps and zoa to take a really good picture of a coral to build the hype. they slap a goofy name on it and ppl follow it religiously. when i used to sell a few frags that i did not name.. newbs would ask, what is the name of the coral? lmao. at that point, i got creative and threw some stupid names on it to see if ppl would follow. guess what? dollar tree micromussa and super walmart micromussa are on the "rare" or "exceptional" list of corals at a frag swap. ctfu (my latest one was Barney's Voyage on a purple chalice) just wait until it becomes LE and everybody on the forums looking for barney's voyage chalice bwahahahah

if your a retailer, online vendor, i say price gouge if you can. if someone is stupid enough to pay it, keep at it until every penny is sucked out of it. it's business not there to make friends. if and when ppl realize its overpriced; the prices will adjust accordingly.
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The things you own. End up owning you. Burn it all!!


Calm down Tyler. :lolspin:

I can see both sides of the issue to be honest. This is just a hobby afterall and prices are determined based upon demand not supply. There is plenty of supply especially if people are fragging singles and maybe triples from time to time. For every reefer that is in the know there are 50 or 100 that are not either because they are new or if they are in they do not care and are willing to pay the price.

I don't hold it against anyone to be honest. If they wish to spend several hundred dollars on something that can go poof then so be it. I choose not to. I have yet to go into debt over this and never plan to no matter how bad I have to have an item. There are many aspects of this hobby that are enjoyable but if you think about it so much of what is posted here on RC and other reefing websites is just how bad things are concerning a person's tank.

People are either upgrading to find that perfect size or downgrading as well. Oh I just bought the latest lighting and it is going to solve all my issues. A month later and bam they post what is wrong with my corals thread. At some point a person will post man you should have waited because next week they are going to release THIS.
People freak out because they are thinking of going on vacation and wonder just what will happen to their tank. I have read a thread or two where the reefer did not go on one and his or her family went without them.
On the other end how many times have you followed a thread of a tank that you love and wish you had only to have an update stating that it has been taken down because of the above?
The hobby should be about enjoyment. Sure it would be great if as a reefer I could break even but I know I never will.

It reminds me of cell phones.

Again this is a great hobby because there are so many aspects that a person can focus on.

Ok end of my round about and lets talk over priced plastic tubes that mix air and water together and some people stare at more than their livestock.
hence the reason i decided to stop posting in this section of the forums along time ago. i still look around and every once in awhile post, but its the same old BS over and over again. people will never learn or simply do not care to listen. i feel like im preaching again so i will shut up now.

it was nice to see you pop back in for awhile. oh yea and BTW what AR15 did you end up getting?

Very true. I liked being on here (zoanthids) all the time then it got depressing. So now I venture to all the other subforums (clams, lps, so cal reefers).

Btw--ar15? where is the s? once you get one you want another haha.
Calm down Tyler. :lolspin:

His name was Robert Paulson! say it! lol....

Its retail. Were not finding the cure for cancer here. As long as the the silly names keep comming out and lil Timmy buys frags and theres bread to be made the party will continue. Yet we continue to beat a dead horse. Playing the blame game.

Hold me.