Corals, which can i have?


New member
Hi, my name is matt and im new to the hobby. Ive been running my 20 gallon tank for about 3 months and have one red perculer clown, 14kg of live rock, 2 powerheads 1200, aqua medic bioflotor skimmer,8 hermit crabs (red legs and micro blues), several snails and one piece of coral (cant remember name). My lighting is 1 x 420 actinic and 1 x 10,000 k flourescent. i am hoping to build up my coral stocks and am wondering which corals would be suitable for my tank??? also some sort of greenery i.e seaweed. does anyone have any suggestions of what type of things i can keep?

What type of lighting is it?

Power Compact (PC)
Flourescent (then is it Normal output (NO) or high output (HO or VHO)

I'm guessing that bassed on your description it may just be a normal flourescent fixture... if that's the case you are going to want to look at lower light softies... Leather(s), zoos, polyps...

As for algae chaeto is probably the best as it is the easiest to maintain.

You may want to consider a different lighting fixture which might give you more flexibility.

i think that it is just a normal flourescent light. If i wanted to keep other types of corals then what would you reccommend upgrading lighting to?
I would do some reaseach, but for a tank that size a PC fixture, or a flourscent HO (VHO or T5) fixture would be fine for starting out.
