CORL study promotes action to lower Phosphate Pollution in American Samoa

Mike R King

New member
The Coalition of Reef Lovers has been conducting a watershed based pollution study in American Samoa to identify the sources of nutrients that are the causing algae blooms on local coral reefs. The preliminary results from our study were released to the American Samoa Government the first week of August 2007 and made public on August 22, 2007.
The results of the water testing conducted to date have identified that the use of imported foreign soaps and detergents are a major source of the phosphate nutrient pollution in the Territory.

On August 24th 2007 during the 18th United States Coral Reef Task Force meeting the Governor of American Samoa, (Togiola Tulafono) announced that all soaps and detergents that contain Phosphate levels above 11% would be banned from importation into the Territory. Seeing that many of the imported soaps and detergents have phosphate concentrations above 80% this action should lead to large decrease in the amount of Phosphates entering the streams and coastal waters of American Samoa. Hopefully the algae blooms will subside and those areas affected will have a better chance of recovery.

It’s nice when a simple solution can be found that has a large impact. However, we still need to eliminate those other sources of nutrient pollution such as; poor or non existent septic systems, grey water discharge directly into streams, and piggery waste wash downs into streams. American Samoa needs to address these problems also ASAP; unfortunately the solution won’t be so easy, as it will take quite a bit of money and effort to correct to them.

The final results of this study will be posted on CORL’s website ( upon its completion (in Dec 07) for all those interested. A project DVD will also be available for any community wishing to duplicate the study. If you would like a copy of the press release send me an e-mail at

Our study is funded by The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation through funds provided by the National Resource and Conservation Service. Volunteer support was donated in the conducting of literature research by hobbyist stateside (Thanks !)

Mike King
President of CORL
Great job, guys. Interesting read as well. Thanks for your hard work and post. Much appreciated, and keep us updated on the subsequent results of this action.