Cost on a 90 gallon AGA.


Persona Non Grata
Ok. I am having trouble finding a consistent price for a 90 Gallon Megaflow by AGA. At Petco, they wanted over $400. I found others who list it as $350. Sounds reasonable. However, I have heard others paying around $260 here on RC. I was just looking for some guidance regarding pricing in the industry for such tanks. Any guidance.
If I remember right I got mine at cost a couple of years ago from a smallish lfs for a little over $300. I think that was without the Megaflow kit.
I purchased mine earlier this year.

One LFS wanted $300.

Second wanted $250.

You can probably haggle w/ the LFS.
I called about 15 pet stores within a 40 mile radius and got mine for just over $230. Call wherever you can and haggle if you have to, or if you're patient, you can get one from someone leaving the hobby locally.