Could I use a fingernail brush?


Older newbie
I have neglected my tank for months as my dad has been sick and husband had a heart attack. Although I realize I am not correcting the problem...only taming it for the time...I have a green hairy algae everywhere in my zoa's and wonder if I could scrub some of it out with a soft brush if I wore gloves for safety. Any input appreciated!:hmm4:
use the softest tooth brush you can find for this task. all though it will only make things worse because you are releasing all the spores into the water. manual removal is best alog with water changes, cutting back on your lights for abit, making sure to feed only what food the fish can eat before it hits the sand and making sure to have a good form of nutrient export. wether that be a skimmer, some extra carbon and defilently some GFO. i know this is alot harder task actually being done then it is being said. but it will take time to fix as it took time to get this way.

i wish you the best of luck!
I pulled my frags out of my tank, used tweezers to pull off the the clumps GHA, then used a tooth brush around the matt, making sure not to brush the polyps. I also made sure to have clean salt water to dunk the frags into and rinse off the debris before placing back into my tank. All my GHA was on the rock and not on the matt.

I would also check your top off water to make sure your at zero TDS.

Good luck
^ Love the tweezer method!

I have used toothbrushes in the past. Work well. Although I wouldnt recomend it- I have scrubbed pretty hard w/ a normal brissle brush w/o issues.