Could it be sansibia?


Active member
This frag was off a colony that didn't fare well in shipping; a lot of the colony had died. I assumed it was blue anthelia, but after the colony has grown back some I'm begining to think it's sansibia because of the small polyps. The entire piece pictured is only about 1". The polyps are connected by stolons. I've had blue anthelia before and just the stem of a single anthelia polyp is already 1", so it's quite a bit of difference. First pic is the one in question, second is Gary Majchrzak's for comparison.

Thanks guys. Any idea about how much a 1" frag would be valued at? I've never seen it for sale before.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7812716#post7812716 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ViPeR_930
Thanks guys. Any idea about how much a 1" frag would be valued at?
Whatever somebody is willing to pay for it.