Couple of fish clowns of different species.

John Peter.

New member
I can create a couple of clownfish but different species like one ocellaris and a maroon gold? my tank has 40 gallon/ 150 liters
In a sufficiently large tank, yes. In a 40 gallon? No. Clowns don't like other clowns. The weaker species will get beaten up and eventually die.

If I'm reading right, I think OP wants to form a pair from different species, highly unlikely maroon and ocellaris will pair, occs and percs can mix, and no more than one pair in that size tank
If I'm reading right, I think OP wants to form a pair from different species, highly unlikely maroon and ocellaris will pair, occs and percs can mix, and no more than one pair in that size tank

Agree. Exactly what I was thinking.

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Ah, wasn't seeing it that way. Yes, hybrid pairs can be formed, but the more similar to each other the clowns are, the more likely a pairing would occur (such as percs and ocellaris). The caveat being, many attempts at pairing clowns of the same species end with the death of the weaker clown, so trying to pair dissimilar species only adds to that risk.
