Couple of images of Zoos from the Frag Swap

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8082695#post8082695 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by astrogazer
Imaged with a Nikon D200 and a Sigma 105mm Macro.

wow @ price! :eek1: :eek1: :eek1:

too bad i'm not really using my camera to make a living from or using it to full capabilities, otherwise I would jump on this camera too. the camera lens isn't cheap either.
wow @ price ... LOL :)

Tell me about it, but I shoot a lot, I have over 12,000 images on my D70 and I still haven't quite retired it, based on its' cost, that's about $0.09 per image, that's cheaper than film alone. Course, because it's digital I take more images of any given subject.
Cool, I feel that if you spend so much on a camera I would hope that you are putting it to better use other then just take regular pictures to put on the internet and so on. My current Sony camera I got about 2 or 3 years ago and it has made more then enough of its share back in a few months, but then again back then it was one of the best cameras (point and shoot) IMO. I was very impressed with the pictures my girlfriend's camera took (Canon SD500). I went to best buy and so on, tested the SD630 as well as the SD700... very impressed by both for what I will be using it for.
I have the predecessor to the Fuji FinePix s9000, the s7000 and I love it! The 9000 has added higher resolution and some other nice perks, but the pricetag was a bit rich for me. I got the s7000 on eBay with all original documentation and packaging for $300. It'll do until I can afford a real digital slr.
I've always liked the FinePix line, the 12:1 optical zoom on the S9000 makes it a winner, it also has a awesome macro mode. I often recommend it.

im getting better dean! :)
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a>

wish i could get good pics like that, this is one of the best ones i could get