

New member
Very pleased with the live rock I received a week ago. Had coral, sponges, clams, you name it.

Are there critters I should be on the look out for to remove? I saw a small red crab, a small tape worm type critter that spins the top of it's body to move around at night, small white blobs that swim around at night???

Should I be adding food to the tank?


I HAVE been feeding my tank a little bit, but mostly for the corals' and filter feeders' sake. I had several open brains, boulder corals, and cup corals attached to my rock, so I've been feeding a tablespoon of phytoplankton every few days.

It was when I saw all my open brains extending their feeding tentacles at night that I discovered that they were all alive. Phew. :)


Andy :wildone: