Crocea Clam Help Please


New member
I just bought my first clam two weeks ago, Its about
3 inches long, and when I first got it the mantle was
fully extended. Starting 2 days ago the mantle was not
fully extending on the one side( maybe to the edge
of the shell) It also keeps turning on its side. I inspected
for hitchhikers and I did not see any apparent. and I
dont believe it is gaping. It is placed in my gravel , close to the
middle of the tank.
I have a 92 gal. corner
250watt mh 10,000k
2 96watt vho super atinics
protein skimmer
lifeguard chemical& mechanical filter
ph. 8.0
alk. normal
cal. 450ppm
nitrite. 0ppm
nitrate. 5ppm
ammonia. 0ppm
salinity. 1.024
any help would be great.
I AM JUST WORRIED, I leave for vacation tonight and i will
be gone for a week. I hear about all of those coming home
horror stories:( Thanks
right now i am still reading about clams,
but i have been trying phytoplex, zooplex,
and marine snow, switching off of course
but i was also under the impression that
there zoothellia (spelled wrong) Supplemented
the majority of there needs?
It could just be unhappy with where it is located.... turning on its side, closing up... maybe it just wants to move elsewhere.