Chartered Accountant
Ironically, my tang that died is the only live caught fish I have owned. All my fish that are captive bred are doing fine. I also read that all wild fish have the ich parasite but the immune system easily fights it off, but when these same fish are put in a confined space they can become stressed and makes it easier for the parasite to go to take over. Hopefully my other fish don't get it and I will just stay away from tangs. I've read they are among the more susceptible fish to ich, and I was pushing the limits putting the Kole Yellow Eye in my tank. Live Aquaria says 70 gallon minimum and I have a 90 gallon. But after you subtract the volume my sand, live rock, and overflow box take out, I'm probably at less than 70 gallons volume of water available for the fish to swim around in.
Thanks for the input guys.
That's actually super interesting, and that very well might be the case. I think its astounding how little we still know about some of the more common and deadly fish diseases.