Cucumber is finally comfortable

top shelf

New member
I added a tiger tail on 9/7 and the most he would do is stretch out about 3-4in from under the rock he was hiding. Well tonight much to my amaze he finally came out into the open. He sure is a chubby little fella too.

Yes that is bubble algae, too lazy to pull the whole rock out to remove it. I get a few spores here and there that I remove with a turkey baster maybe once a month if I'm feeling ambitious. Other then that doesnt spread much.

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They typically do just stay under a rock and don't go far from it at night..
Every once in a while they will forge for a new home and then repeat there..
I thought they would cover more ground but so far not so..

I had one about hotdog size like that... Next day I looked I had 2..
Now I have 2 hotdogs like that roaming around in my 80G..
I was under the impression at night it would wonder about the tank foraging and during the day would pick a place to hide but maybe not. Must be it finally ate what it could reach and decided to move elsewhere then.

I just have a 45g so it wouldnt likely support 2. If it decides to split one will be traded to the lfs.