So, I've got this ridiculous Xenia forest in a 20 long attached to the same sump as my 40 breeder display. It's pretty impressive if you ask me. I want it gone. The goal is to sell/trade the rock and turn this tank into a frag tank. I doubt anyone will want the Xenia forest.
So the question: how would you go about getting rid of it? I'm willing to take the rock out back and hose it off, but I'd rather find a method that won't kill off all the other critters (there are no fish in it or other corals I want to keep in this satellite tank). I can isolate this tank from the main display easily.
I thought about just doing a blackout, but doubt I'd be able to keep the ammonia under control.
So the question: how would you go about getting rid of it? I'm willing to take the rock out back and hose it off, but I'd rather find a method that won't kill off all the other critters (there are no fish in it or other corals I want to keep in this satellite tank). I can isolate this tank from the main display easily.
I thought about just doing a blackout, but doubt I'd be able to keep the ammonia under control.