Custom 300gal (total system) Peninsula Style W/ LED


New member
Here we go, pics will follow! I had a 120 setup that had to be torn down due to work issues about a year ago. Since then ive only had a little 29BC, which is getting boring really quick. lol

Thus leading to this build,

Tank- Custom Acrylic 50"X40"X26" Tall
I built the stand and canopy, Still in progress but getting close to being finished

Sump:Eshopps R300, with a few slight custom mods

Frag Tank: 40 gallon breeder attached to the system under the stand

lighting:3 Ecotech Radion LED units

Flow: 2 Vortech MP40's

Controller: Apex, W/ 2 Lab grade PH, ORP, the works....

Return pump:Mag 10

Skimmer:SWC 250s2 Cone

CA Reactor: 6.5" Extreme Octopus Reactor

Carbon/GFO Reactor: Dual BRS reactor

There will be about 150lbs of live rock, and roughly 60lbs of very fine sand
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Here are the pics as promised:





Thats a tough one, here is what i was thinking originally for fish and clean up crew.

Fish List:
Blonde naso tang
Powder blue tang
Clown tang
Purple tang
Black tang
3 Yellow Tangs
4 bartletts anthias
Scotts fairy wrasse (Australian)
Pair of cross hatch triggers

I currently have a clown fish as well... Although in my last tank he was a huge bully and would beat up on all my tangs and other fish, so he will be going in last after all the other fish go in.

20 blue leg hermits
5 emerald crabs
5 cleaner shrimp
2 fire shrimp
15 turbo snails
15 Nassarius Snails
15 Bumble Bee Snails

But i have been thinking more and more about going all Aussie, fish, coral, and Clean up crew included. Its hard to find a good variety Aussie fish here in the states im finding out though.

For coral, this is what i was thinking at first until i wanted to do all aussie as well...

8 acan colonies-
2 micromussa colonies-
8-10 SPS colonies
2 hammers-
5-8 sps colonies-
4 scollys-
1 pink tip frog spawn-
1 Ultra golden torch colonie-
3 ultra lobo-
4 ultra chalices-
4 welso's-
1 Ultra wilsoni-
1 large duncan colony-
1 large dendro colony-
3-4 Yuma Rocks (assorted colors)

Im sure there is others im not listing, but you know how these go, they are changing every time you walk into the fish store :D lol
Did you win the lottery or somethin??? Thats awesome lol It might just be the angle of the shots you took, but it almost looks like its randomly placed in the middle of your room?

Sweet setup tough.
I wish i won the lottery lol, just a bonus at work. its in the middle, i was going to do a full island tank, but after consideration, i plan on moving soon so it would most likely become a divider between two rooms in the new house with the back against the wall.

Thank you!
Didn't need it, the tank is 100% perfectly level. i have never use styrofoam on any tanks and never had an issue.
Just did a full set of test again tonight and got the following:


I will be dosing bright well MG and CA tonight to bring those two up a little higher. These aren't bad numbers for only adding salt to the RODI water lol. Im using the brightwell salt BTW.
Wow really clean install under the tank. The tank looks great hope to see how this turns out in a few months, keep up the good work.
Sweet looking tank! Love he LEDs. Love the stocklist too. Hopefully you will be ok adding that many tangs. I would be most concerned about the clown tang, but if you introduce them all at the same time you might be ok.
Thank you, I am planning on adding all tangs at the same time like you mentioned to avoid the whole aggression thing. a bunch of people have raise the issue with the clown tang, but whats weird is i have never had an issue with any of the ones i have owned before.

But I will definitely have to watch it for awhile when they get added.

thought i would need another Radion LED unit to get the proper coverage that i wanted, so i bought another one, just waiting for it to come.
Amazing hardware. The ecotech LEDs look super bright. Was suprised to see them mounted so high above the water but the tank looks great.
Thank you guys! The next tank will be wider yet, i love the look of the deep dimension tanks. There is so much room to play with.

The lighting was just put up that high for the cycle period, i am working on a moving mount that will go up and down easily when i need it to. Just haven't had the time with the holiday season.