Custom stand builder in Albuquerque?


New member
Hey all,
Just moved to Albuquerque and I'm setting a new 120gallon tank up in my home (48x24x24) and was wondering if there were any custom stand builders in town? I'd like a stand where I could fit in a 40 gallon breeder tank for a sump (either from the front/back of the stand, or maybe thru side access?) I appreciate the help, oh and if anyone has a stand for sale by chance, I don't have an issue buying used :cool:

Don't know of any to be honest. Most of the people I know (including me) have built their own. I looked around before I built my own, and really found no one willing to do it. In fact, a few people said they would, but I could tell by their responses and by their prices that they didn't want to do it.

Good luck though, hope you find someone.

I'm having the same problem.
Looks like we have two options:
Use the reef central template to build a stand. Many people have done this.
Or, have someone here on reef central build one (there are some who will ship) and pay them for the shipping/crating it, as well as the cost for the stand.
I'm actually thinking of building my own at this point. Frustrating.
One thing you could do it sketch it up yourself or have some one do it. Its actually really easy. There is a free program called google sketchup that works niceley for drafting this kind of thing, can even make it to scale. If you need any help with it email me
I just saw a custom stand builder on craigslist... dunno what they charge.

I'm about to build a stand for my 180g and if you know what you want and it's similar enough to what I'm building I'd consider the job, but as I'm taking time off from my real job to do it, I'll have to charge something in addition to the materials cost.
