Custom tank's


New member
I dont know if you guys had already mentioned reef aquariums, i was referd by a friend that the owner is supposed to be doing some quiet nice custom tanks, i stoped by the store the other day its right infront of exotic aquariums on brd road and he had a tank he had built for a customer, i was preaty good looking i was most amazed by his silicone work, He is now going to be building me a custom 220 with free financing, but anyway i told him i go to, he asked me to show him my account on reefcentral to prove i go here, and he says he will be giving me a 20% disscount on any fish and this is to go for all the other club members of FMAS and reefcentral, If anyone lives close is a good LFS to chek out.
Henry is a cool guy! Another new FMAS member named Jorge works there as well. He's the reason we have a discount there so if you get corals on discount there, thank him when you see him at the meetings! He's the young kid that comes with me (I take him up since he cant drive yet! lol)