Custom White Balance


New member
OK when I was in the hobby before it was simple...most halides were 10K so I shot on RAW and adjusted to 10K

Now I am trying to do some aquarium photography and they are using so many different colored lights above the corals so I decided I better do a custom white balance on my D300

I'm cheap/broke and cant afford an expodisk so I'm using a white tissue in front of the lens.
in regular light I'm able to get a "GOOD" white balance reference BUT when I point the lens into the tank to measure the light I get a "NO GOOD"

Whats the deal? Why cant it set the WB?
I'm a Canonian so unfortunately I don't know anything about Nikons..
What post processing software are you using?
Me too. Then it's easy, you don't have to bother about WB if you shoot RAW. I'm using the default WB setting on my camera. The WB is easily adjusted in Camera Raw.
yes that's what I'm doing but with all the different temps from the T5' and LED's what temp do you set the WB at.

I just figured it would be easier to read the actual WB from the individual tanks themselves
Trust me, you'll never nail it with custom WB settings on your cam!

In Camera Raw, just adjust the slider to the desired color temperature. The color temp settings vary from one photo to the other in the same session. I do it all the time, looking at my tank at the same time and try to get as close as possible. It'll never be totally perfect but you can get pretty close.
I usually take a custom WB image by placing a white piece of plastic in the tank and snapping the reference photo to use as the WB setting. Other than that you can place something white near the coral. In the raw editor of photoshop, there's a dropper tool for white balance. You select something white in the photo and it automatically adjusts the balance pretty well.
I have tried the white plastic in the tank and all I get is No Good on the Nikon when I try to take a custom WB Reference shot
I have tried the white plastic in the tank and all I get is No Good on the Nikon when I try to take a custom WB Reference shot
There's your problem...

Seriously though, shoot in RAW and dont worry about what the camera thinks white balance should be. Use CS5 and adjust your white balance, it's super easy and you'll get amazing results.
Thanks for the chuckle Grant. And Jesse.

+1 for shooting in RAW and adjusting during post. Way easier and more accurate than custom white balances. Eventually you'll shoot everything in RAW.
Makes it so much better adjusting pics in PS when using the RAW image.

+1. You know when you take some shoots in the shade and the light is cool? Just bump the color temp slider up a bit. Shooting indoor under incandescents and everything is very yellow? Slide the color temp a bit to the left and cool it off.

Or you get out the camera for the bomb sunset, but the pic doesn't match what you saw? Just move the color temp slider and trust your eyes.

Got a variety of different color temperature lights over your reef tank and aren't sure how to white balance the shot? Just move the color temp slider and trust your eyes.