Customer Lost for Life (buyers beware)

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They made a mistake, but $10 is nothing. The least they could do is offer it at cost this way they still come out even. Its not like they are some little store struggling to get by.
chargin what is labeled has nothing to do with profesionalism...
every sale is a contract..
untill they accept your money... the contract is non existant
If I was MD, I'd honor the $200 price.... and then deduct the $1300 out of his/her paycheck (whoever put up the price on the website) :p
Well at least this has generated some constructive and some not so constructive arguments for both sides of this. If this were a rare occurance I dont think I would have such a problem with it but if you spend any time looking around this and many other forums it seems this is common occurance at MD. So my goal here is to hope they get the point and do a better job in the future. Westher this is just a product of shear volume who knows however I have just decided that I will not shop there ever again there are plenty of other vendors that do a better job. It is my right to excersise that option. They can keep thier lousy ten bucks!
they should give you the light for 200 then charge you 1300 for shipping.
its like stealing from a store. who pays for it ? we all do!
so i say stop crying
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13033466#post13033466 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Jim_S
Wow. There are just some shady folks out there....

You knew it was a "lower than normal" price, yet you insist they honor it? You should just face the facts and stop trying to hide behind a law to rip a company off. Are you too good to pay for your own equipment? You want MD to pay for your equipment? Unbelievable....

It absolutely amazes me that you people are sitting here trying to justify why this guy should get a $1500 light for $200.

Jeez :rolleyes:

Just take the $10 bucks and be happy. Stop looking for shady deals and ways to snake honest business out of their money. Have some morals (and some common sense). Move forward and enjoy your tank :)

Have you (or anyone else posting in this thread AGAINST the original poster for that matter) ever gone shopping on black Friday? You can get some SCREAMING deals - ones that don't make much sense, or seem way out of whack, or 'too good to be true'...but do you NOT buy them just because they seem fake? Hell no, you grab 10 of them.

I know I did...I was at Kohl's last year on black Friday (Christmas shopping for a BARGAIN, not to steal or rip off the company) and they had a Food Saver - the $130 one on "sale" plus 75% off. I was standing there looking at it with my wife and talking LOUD about how great of a deal that was and a rude lady that worked there ran over as I was picking it up off the shelf and said 'that is a mistake on the price'. She literally tried to snatch it out of my hands!!! (It was the last one) Too bad it wasn't a football and I'm not a Dallas Cowboy...cus I had a death grip on the thing. Not only was it marked so on the DISPLAY, but also on the ITEM. So too bad so sad, my happy butt walked the darn thing right up to the register with a smile on my face. (After I told the lady to never again in her life ever touch ME or try to snatch ANYTHING out of my hands again)

I ended up paying like $15 for the thing. Funny part was, I didn't even want it. I wrapped it up and gave it to my father who really wanted one. If THEY marked the price wrong, that is NOT MY fault. It is THEIR fault. And I'm not a 'bad guy' for taking advantage of this deal. Neither was the original poster of this thread.

I suppose by all of the analogies here, the $125 Dart pumps on the Sequence website are 'too good to be true' so I shouldn't buy one. Please. I might go buy 5 of them. That's $100 off the oririginal price. Speaking of price, if the original light fixture was $1500 but marked $200 then oh well for MD. Get someone else to mark their items - but AFTER they honor thier price on this light fixture. The only thing shady in this whole thing is the actions of MD. Offering the guy $10??? When they KNOW they are required to give this guy the light for $200?? If you go to the market and an item rings out different than is displayed, you not only get the item for free but they give you a dollar on top of it. Granted these are smaller priced items, but then isn't that all the more incentive to MARK YOUR ITEMS CORRECTLY if you're MD? Matter of fact, go over the pricing...and then again, and how about a 5th time to ensure the correct price before uploading your flyer or whatever.

Laws are made for a reason, and if MD is supposed to cough up the light for $200 and then offered the guy $10 instead...then THAT is shady. Plus like someone here already said, they aren't the only store on the block. There are millions man, millions.

Fosters and Smith

Just to name a few...

Hope you get your light for the price that THEY offered it to you as. That bait and switch tactic is sickening.
Having worked in customer service in this great country of ours...isn't the customer always right??? What ever happened to that?

Cus this statement..."As a hobbyist in need of this light, I am sure you did your homework and are aware this was a totally unrealistic price, too good to be true and was an error at the time you placed your order. I am sure you were hoping we would not catch our mistake and your order would get shipped."

is the RUDEST, most disgusting and disturbing thing I have EVER heard a company say to a CUSTOMER! You can't BLAME the customer for YOUR mistake buddy!!! And not only that, but they said it in front of all of their OTHER CUSTOMERS.

I'm amazed. Not as amazed as all the folks trying to blame the original poster though.
When I saw this "sale" of course I thought to myself wow that seems too good to be true, what a great sale! So thank you semperfi well s
WOW, I may have made a mistake spending 20 minutes on this goofy thread, thank goodness I dont have to shovel out 1300 clams for a mistake. Come to think of it if I were to push out 1300 smackers for every mistake made I would be done in 25 years ago, maybe 35 years ago. Here is a crazy concept, "try to be fair & balanced in judgement & respond how you yourself would like to be treated". This reply has grammer errores every where. I better close before I have to mortgage teh farm.
Just happened to read this thread. This is the sorry *** state and the reason things are getting so bad in this country. For an honest mistake by a corporation the sorry *** guy is going to find a sorry as sucker lawyer who will try to scam the sorry *** system and most likey win the case because of the sorry *** jury who represent the sorry *** people in this country who believe that a corporation has enough money to fork out and try to get a deal.

GO and live with your mom if you have gotten so cheap
Just happened to read this thread. This is the sorry *** state and the reason things are getting so bad in this country. For an honest mistake by a corporation the sorry *** guy is going to find a sorry as sucker lawyer who will try to scam the sorry *** system and most likey win the case because of the sorry *** jury who represent the sorry *** people in this country who believe that a corporation has enough money to fork out and try to get a deal.

GO and live with your mum if you have gotten so cheap
I did Finally receive a much more professional response form a much better customer service rep. His name was Brian and he was very nice. They found the error in their accounting system and have assured me it won't happen again as they have taken steps to improve it. So I guess this has accomplished its goal. As I told Brian it was the nature of the first reps original response that angered me so much in the first place.
As for those of you that think this is all just whining well I guess that is your own opinion I suppose if you go to a resturant and the food sucks you are th types to just sit there and eat it and not say anything. That's the beauty of a free market and a free country your allowed to have an opinion and to share your experience. It is those experiences both good and bad that both force and allow these companies to strive to improve. Without feedback they will never know what they are doing wrong.
TS is singing a different tune now. First he was fussing saying they should honor their original price, now he's saying he just did it so the company would "strive to improve."

If your going to whine about something, stick to your guns, dont try and turn the situation around and make yourself look like some do-gooder trying to keep the big companies in check
LOL You people crack me up. Like anything else some people will agree with you some people won't. Isn't it beautiful?
The error was obviously an human error caused by an incorrect input by a worker. If you think a company can perform inputs at 100% accuracy you're obviously delusional. For example, you couldn't even spell network engineer correctly in your profile.
If you customers expect vendors to treat them with respect, then customers need to treat vendors with respect too.

I have a few vendors I deal with online and in person. They treat me fairly and I treat them fairly. If I saw a mistake price I would notify them about the mistake and they would probably thank me for it.

If a customer of mine behaved like this customer did, I would pay him 10 bucks in exchange for his promise to never come to my place of business ever again.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13333846#post13333846 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by kinktao
The error was obviously an human error caused by an incorrect input by a worker. If you think a company can perform inputs at 100% accuracy you're obviously delusional. For example, you couldn't even spell network engineer correctly in your profile.

LOL, pwned.

Don't get good morals and the law mixed up people. Whining because you couldn't benefit from someone else's mistake is a show of poor character. But I guess that's why the OP is now singing a different tune.
That is too bad but obviously just an error. It is not reasonable to think a $1500 light would be sold for $200. One would suspect that may be an error.

I have always had good experiences with Marine Depot and have been a happy customer for years.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13126715#post13126715 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Semper Fi 1959
Having worked in customer service in this great country of ours...isn't the customer always right??? What ever happened to that?

Cus this statement..."As a hobbyist in need of this light, I am sure you did your homework and are aware this was a totally unrealistic price, too good to be true and was an error at the time you placed your order. I am sure you were hoping we would not catch our mistake and your order would get shipped."

is the RUDEST, most disgusting and disturbing thing I have EVER heard a company say to a CUSTOMER! You can't BLAME the customer for YOUR mistake buddy!!! And not only that, but they said it in front of all of their OTHER CUSTOMERS.

I'm amazed. Not as amazed as all the folks trying to blame the original poster though.

+1 I agree with MD making a very rude response.

In Canada we also have the law where the store must honor the price advertised.
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