Customer service without any SERVICE


I just looked at MD and see where some changes have been made to the Euro-Reef skimmer with an either or pump configuration.

The older version of the RC500 skimmer only came with 2 GenX pumps, the new version has 3 Eheim pumps. The description for the RC500 on you site says it comes with either 3 GenX or 3 Eheim.

I'm not sure if any of the other models had changes made to them when they switched over to Eheim pumps, but someone at MD might want to check this out before another customer gets his Euro-Reef skimmer only to find out he didn't get what he ordered.
I think the RC 500 and up all got an additional pump. The reason being the Eheim pulls less air than the Gen-X does.

RC500 2x Gen-X -> 3x Eheim
RC750 3x Gen-X -> 4x Eheim
RC1000 4x Gen-X -> 5x Eheim

I agree that it was up to MD to deliver what what was advertised and ordered by you. Not an ER issue. They probably didn't realize there was a design change and just shipped what was in inventory. Glad to see they took care of it in the end. There are vendors that have the Eheim versions in stock.
dude its euroreef.. why do you think they got rid of their forum... they were getting slammed left and right.. i had a similar problem with ER and MD but MD took care of the problem and i ended up buying a Deltec... trust me ER has customer services issues.. but take note and dont buy something at the last minute and expect everything to work out.. you should have purchased the skimmer weeks in advance.
Bebo77, At least there are a few of us still out there that are not afraid to say "The Emperor has no clothes". I just wish the old Euro-Reef forum's were still accessable, that would open up the kool aide drinkers eyes. I have said before the new ER might work great, but the company is still run by the same person.
Why does MD still deal with euroreef if there customer service is as horrible as it is? Maybe if MD drops the euroreef line, euroreef might get the hint that they need to shape up.
Euro-reef never will get the hint, trust me. They have been bashed up and down for their customer service and they don't seem to care. Pretty sad, because they put out a great product.
I just want to thank "Customer Service" for sending out the call tags right away, and issuing credit for the skimmer plus shipping back on my credit card they day they received it. The project finally got delivered and is being filled with water as I write this note.
I'd say MD has to take most of the blame here. MD has a warranty policy that they will handle warranty issues if the product was purchased within 30 days.

MD sold the skimmer so they must assume all support liabilities. MD must demand from ER a better product support. If they can't get it, MD then has to decide if they want to continue selling the product. MD must also carry replacement parts. Its not unusual for pumps to break. You can't keep running to the manufacturer for every problem you have. If you sell it, support it!
MD sold an RC500 which was advertised as having Eheim pumps. What MD shipped was an old stock model which had Gen-X pumps. The old RC500 had two Gen-X pumps. The new RC500 has 3 Eheim pumps. Its not a simple matter of swapping out the pumps. Its a whole different skimmer. It was up to MD to ship to the customer what was advertised. To their defence, they probably didn't even know there was a change and they had old stock on the shelves.