
Not sure either..... I have had a scan over norman's book again but there are no real clues here. Bandensis may be the most likely but i suppose time will tell
bandensis apparantly doesnt swim much and has a pair of flaps under its body for walking.....??????? and doesnt always have those spikes evident.

The more pics you can post the better, Mike.

The best way for identifying it may be to remove its cuttlebone, but mike probably wouldnt like us to do that! lol :)

Time will tell is suppose, you never know, we might end up with Sepia scmunklensis or something????? :D
whatdayathink now chris??????

i met mike on msn messenger tonight and watched him feed the cuttlefish on the web cam. it is really spikey, a lot like a stumpy-spined cuttlefish i think, but Mike says it swims not walks.

The most obvious feature apart from the skin is its huge eyes..... any other ideas?

look at the pic on top of page 90 in CAWG. it did that pose! Do you think he may have gotten one of them??? It did look quite similar!

Hmmmmmmm well this could for we know be a species not even in CAWG. And if it is a baby Sepia.apama... mikes going to need a bigger tank lol. Mike do you have yahoo messenger? I would love to see it in feeding some time.I still think it looks like Sepia.bandensis(the pic on page 58) But the no crawling thing? It is nocturnal though mike said. Any ones guess at this point.
Hey Chris,

My last cuttlefish live broadcast did not go as planned. I couldn't get the little guy to eat, and I think I freaked him out. He actually inked a little for the first time yesterday when I was putting a rock formation back together and he got scared. I am on yahoo messenger with as my e-mail. I can not run this one at work, but I can run microsift messenger. My e-mail for messenger is if you want to get that program. I would be more than happy to host another cuttlefish session to try and identify what I have in my tank. I'm kinda worried about him right now. I don't think he has eaten for two days. He let the shrimp I tried to feed him even walk over him yesterday. Hopefully he has been getting them at night. I hope we can figure out what I have in my tank one of these days!

Sorry to join in late, no experience with cuttlefish, but limited octopus experience. I think the death may have been caused by either fighting or more likely, the high nitrites. If I remember correctly, they are sensitive to water quality, and nitrites can have a bad affect on them. My guess is the smallest survived because the smaller they are, the better they tend to ship. The larger ones were "roughed up" by shipping and weren't able to battle back from the water quality. Just a guess, though.
Just to clarify, I have one cuttlefish out of the original 4 left alive. I think he is a Sepia bandensis because I have seen him using two arms to walk around lately. I have also seen him swim, but that is mainly when he is frightened. I guess I'll figure this guy out one of these days!

Hi Mike

This book by Norman suggests that bandensis will have flaps of skin under its body too; may sit on them like a tripod?????

The big NO, for Sepia O' (hey that rhymes, badly though!)
is that O's come from UK, Med and West African areas. Yours came from Indonesia (is that right?)

Plus, I still think that the eyes on your Sepia look different from mine......... lol this argument is gonna go on and on lol :)
Hehe, that was supposed to be a surprise Chris! I ordered two medium sized bimacs. One arrived alive and the other was dead. They are going to send me another bimac to replace the dead one since I have connections :). The one left is about double the size of the other guys I had, and is hiding under some liverock right now. I put some ghost shrimp near it, and I think it ate one or two at night. It has stayed a gray color ever since I have had it. The other two octos I had stayed orange most of the time. I did see the spots on the new guy, so I am sure it is a bimac. Hopefully it and the future octopus will gain my trust soon and start to venture out from the rocks. The cuttle met the octopus last night and amazingly enough nothing happened until I took a closer peek(accidently scaring it) and the cuttle inked 3 times and zoomed away! The cuttle is slightly bigger than the octo in mantle length, but the octos arms make it bigger overall. I plan on keeping everyone well fed to insure no fighting. I know you guys must think I'm insane for keeping this many cephs in a 135 gallon tank, but I think it will work out just fine. If territory issues crop up later, I will get another aquarium or two to house them separately.

I will get some pictures soon,

Mike we don't think your crazy:rolleyes: Your aaaa just breaking new ground;) Jack told me today what happend. He will take good care of you.
Bimacs are grey mostly. Put a pvc elbow in your tank with a end cap. It will be its home.
OMG, My brain tells me this might end in tears......

However, I am also very interested to see what happens, or should that read "who eats who?" LOL

Mike, yeah you're crazy :) LOL

(suppose all of us on this forum are except me because I am duck)
