Cyan-oh :(


New member
Our tank has been up now 14 months and we love it.I think we actually did a decent job on picking corals and rocks that we find attractive (not the most accurate as far as a biosphere but...)

if only for the cyano..I has been locked in now for about 3 months after a nice time without it.

I keep my RODI components changed and I have a refugium...

anyhoo just my rant.
John, set-up and run a UV Sterilizer.

UV Sterilization is a safe and natural method to reduce waterborne pathogens and algae the causes “Green Water”. UV is as natural as sunlight. Unlike chemical treatments that can potentially harm the fish, beneficial bacteria, and plants in your aquarium or pond, UV does not leave any residuals in the water and therefore cannot harm fish and plants.

A UV sterilizer works in harmony with other essential filters by eliminating nuisance green water caused by waterborne algae that can easily create problems and ultimately reduce filter efficiency.
I think making sure you have good water flow in the area where the cyano is growing will eliminate it about as well as anything. I agree that there must be some source giving it the nutrients it needs to grow, but with good water flow in your display it will probably grow in your refugium instead.
Try this: Siphon a lot out, Turn the lights off, you can leave the timer going, but unplug the lights for 3 days ( full days) and don't feed the tank, preferably no ambient light either. Make sure skimmer is going. After words turn the lights back on and do about a 20% water change. Siphon out any remaining that you see, which there should be very little if any. This works with some, not many , but with some, it's nearly free and worth a shot.

I do recommend picking up a UV though. 75g would be a 15 watt UV. It makes a huge difference.

If the above doesn't work, try natural products for eliminating first before chemicals ( there are a few brands out there). Increased water flow on affected areas makes a difference for cyano and other algea's from settling.

Unfortunately Cyano, can grow easily on everything. Coral Magazine did a study a few months ago about it. So it may not necessarily be high Nitrates/Phosphates/Silicates although those are factors. It's a pain for sure , slow easy steps, if it's getting on coral's use a turkey baster to blow it off of them to keep them from getting smothered.

Go to petco and buy one of the small python's and just use the hose to siphon out chunks every now and then. Doing itty bitty water exchanges if the above advice doesn't work. Also, you can reduce your photo period to reduce the rate at which it grows. Corals as a whole need 5-6 hours for max photosynthesis. So you can reduce your time somewhat . Personally I don't run over a 9 hour photo period. To much algae production otherwise.

I don't see the need for a UV sterilizer. This is a debated topic, but it can kill beneficial things to your tank too from what I understand. If you find the source of the cyano, there is no need for it. We would need to know more info of what is causing the outbreak. What is your feeding like? What is your lighting schedule? What is your water change percentage and how often? What does your flow consist of? Are you running carbon or GFO? Do you have an adequate skimmer? Lots of factors to consider before using a UV light to mask the source of the problem
All of the above params are within acceptable levels besides the photoperiod and possibly the flow.
I had increased the photoperiod after changing from MH lighting to T5 and noticing a definite downturn in the corals behavior and appearance.Perhaps cutting down on the light some would help.
Also the flow.I began with 2 Koralia 3's but changed to one because I thought it was disturbing the rics and other softies.
As far as UV sterilizers go I had planned on getting one in the beginning but forgot about it along the way....
Thanks so much for all the help :)
I don't see the need for a UV sterilizer. This is a debated topic, but it can kill beneficial things to your tank too from what I understand. If you find the source of the cyano, there is no need for it. We would need to know more info of what is causing the outbreak. What is your feeding like? What is your lighting schedule? What is your water change percentage and how often? What does your flow consist of? Are you running carbon or GFO? Do you have an adequate skimmer? Lots of factors to consider before using a UV light to mask the source of the problem

This is true, UV kills life. It's not picky , it's killing the good and the bad. But 100% of your water is not going to be going through that. With the majority of you beneficial bacteria living in your live rock and not in your water column, the chances of it effecting your Nitrogen cycle is limited. Flow rate also makes a difference here, if the water is rushing through to fast, it can't get it all. Even at recommended rates it's still only nuking a percentage.

No tank needs a UV it isn't necessary, however from experience it definitely helps a ton.
I find very few reefers on here that run UV sterilizers. Maybe they just don't promote that they do, but you don't see it on any TOTM's or any other great looking tanks from what I have seen...
But that is the good thing about this hobby i guess. Everyone has their own methods and ideals. So do what works best for you and your tank.